coddington kicks the bucket too


Wow, that sucks. At least he exchanged his old bag wife for a hot new one while he was still kickin. That will always make the last few years alot nicer.

BTW. If you don’t succeed at your first attempt at a business then your second attempt actualizing is not by is cause of what you learned. Its because you exploited Foose.

I like Foose better anyways.

you should still like Coddington cars then, cuz i’m sure most of them were designed off Drawings Foose made years ago anyway.

Still he was entertaining and seemed to know what his customers wanted…sad to see him go so young.



He actually sold the first company & put alot of $$ in his bank account. He sold it to a group of investors & they asked him to step down because they couldn’t afford to pay him. They ran the company into the ground. He didn’t “lose” it.

I thought his work was phonomenal until he started with the TV show. It turned his shop into a laughing stock of the custome car world.


I had read somewhere last night that it was a lacerated ulcer he died from. I tried to find that article again but was not able to tonight.

^ i heard that too

my dad said he heard liver cancer