Just got word the Boyd Coddington passed away

One of my friends from Cali. just passed the word on, love him or hate him he was a pioneer and played a huge roll in the tuner market we know today.

I just checked Wiki, its been confirmed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyd_Coddington

He treated his employees like absolute shit. That’s all I will say.

It’s all over Google: http://www.autoblog.com/2008/02/27/breaking-boyd-coddington-dies-at-age-63/

R.I.P. He was was definitely a huge influence on the Auto world.

OT: I wouldn’t consider Wiki a source of confirmation :tong

Those wheels were usually hideous and I liked Chip Foose’s cars better. But with respect, he did win alot of awards for his show cars.

wiki isn’t the end all be all by any means, but in a case like this its usually accurate.

hes definitely left a big imprint on the tuning world. not so much imports, but still. modding is modding, right? we all like different things, his was hotrods and such

boyd is a loser, so he built cars and is famous, so is alot other people… Carrol Shelby, now thats a icon.

you sir are a fucking moron.

He was a bit harsh at times towards his employees but in any event he was one of the big names in the auto world that will be missed.

so proper and improper, hehehe, good stuff Benny, good stuff ;D

it was a joke, i just love seeing you guys beat down poeple i actaully was a fan of boyd, the owner of the body shop i work at in the summer, knows (knew) him. carrol is just amazing tho.