Coffee shops w/ free internet

I’m not a huge fan of paying for t mobile hotspot at starbux,

I know there is taste in EA, but what other places have free internet?

I can only sit at home for so long before I leave the computer and do something else

cafe 59 on allen and franklyn in buffalo, not sure where you need it, if its in EA there is a deli in a plaza which i cant recall the street all i can say is that it runs parallel to main. and they have a walk in cooler called the beer cave :slight_smile:

panera bread…

hmmmmm pannini

i usually go to eastern hills mall but its not a coffee shop.

i know the timmy ho’s in hamburg has some connections and also montana mills in ea has it. im assuming that the starbucks that they are opening by the circle is gonna have it when they open too.


Verizon evdo

oh, sorry. :mamoru:

ummmm - there’s some bread place on transit i think

In front of my house on Grand Island. lol

Erie Basin Marina…theres a place called The Hatch you can get coffee at

There is a coffee shop there though…

not really a coffee shop but McDonalds is supposed to have wi fi access, could be useful if you need internet service quickly

edit :
Ohlsons Bakery & Cafe

Higher Grounds coffee House

manhattan bread co/ java joe’s has free wifi in EA

Atlanta Bread has it

Any street in buffalo is within distance of some putz with un-secured wireless

Wegmans on sheridan has it.They’ve got a coffee bar.

Avoid like the plague

ya, place got old after the first time

whats wrong with it?


If you remember Ames, imagine if they would have had a coffee house what it would have been like.

That’s how terrific Higher Grounds is.