college class question...

Im goin back to ECC north this semester…anywho, took the college entrance exam, and their puting me in college composition 110…now does that mean i did realy good, or need work or what? also, do i get to skip english 101 and all that bs?

uhm, it depends on what the class is. Read the course description.

I’d have to check but noting your online grammar skills, I’d say you were put into the non credit English class

lol thats not very nice

dude just go meet with an advisor or something

I was actually being serious since I go to ECC and I think that the course he’s describing is the non credit class to be able to get into the normal English classes.

lol i was talking more about the comment regarding his poor grammar skills

I know!!! lol


haha :smash2:

Ok I just checked and it looks like you made it into the normal English classes… the other one I was speaking of was Eng 010 etc. Also, College Composition is basically “English 101” at ECC.

You must write better on paper lol

Much love Josh

nicole hates me :frowning: my online grammer skillz and school grammer skillz are 2 differant things…i aced every english regents iv taken, and they wanted me in ap english but i didint want to do it…doh.