College Degree

Someone give me some suggestions for a College Degree. I am a High School graduate and am now being told I need to get a degree. I work in IT. I am analytical by nature.



I have mine in Information Sciences. Its somewhat broad but it was able to let me focus on system infrastructure design. It is more of a degree towards high level thinking in IT.

Any degree will work. I mean mine is in English Writing/Communication and I am an Accountant. Obviously, I’d get one in your field, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do while in college.

i started one in civil engineering but then i just said hell with school once the wife is done ill go back

x2. do you need a degree to advance at work, or need a degree because you have an interest in a particular subject?
if you just need the piece of paper to get to the next rung on the corporate ladder, then just get something very general. a business degree or something.
its not worth going for some difficult field of study if you just need the line on your resume. dont take the time away from what i’m sure is already a busy life if you dont need to.

thats what she needs/wants. she just needs a degree to move up. she wants something pretty easy to get since she already has zero time for it and it would be best if it had something to do with her field…

what she is asking is which are the easier of the degrees to go for

all the football players take communication(s) degrees, BTW the (s) makes a big difference between what I got and football players

MBA at Seton Hill ftw

I have my degree in Information Systems. If you really know what you want to do with your life (which most people don’t), you can specialize in something more specific. My specialization is in Networking, but I ended up doing project management work. As most people have said, it doesn’t really matter matter what your degree is in.

Thank you everyone for your feedback…
I’m checking into testing out of some of the classes and getting credits.