College in America

LoL’s have been had.


Very accurate. Good find.

Ill take the Ferrari. Thanks.

College is too fun to pass up, especially living on campus. :rofl

I donno about all that…

Higher education FTW. End of story.

Pretty cool tho.


College is fun but its also nothing short of a total waste of time and money unless youre going to be a doctor, engineer, or something along those lines. I have a degree is business administration and own and operate 2 small businesses and can tell you that my degree is completly worthless in the real world.

If you don’t mind me asking, what are the two small businesses you own & operate?

A snow removal business in the winter and I also own a company that sells shading products

If I could go back and do it over again Id try to get an internship with a marketing firm, PR firm, or get my realtors license. While at the same time taking some courses in accounting and courses in programs like Excel and Quickbooks. College is just too much theory, and 90% of my professors had never run a business in their lives yet they were trying to teach me how to run one. Just didnt seem right to me.

I agree with all the joke degrees they have to offer these days. Its getting ridiculous.

99% of them are definetly bullshit but I wouldnt mind majoring in winemaking, at least thats something some people have a passion for. Nobody goes to college with a passion for accounting but theres plenty of kids that will end up majoring in it.

I went to college for 4 years and loved it so I’m not going to say it’s not worth it or you shouldn’t attend. Just understand that colleges, private or otherwise, are a business first and foremost. They don’t give a shit about you. They want your money and they will charge whatever they think people will pay. That’s why private tuition has risen four to five times the rate of inflation.

Study smartly if you get my drift. Great post.

I just graduated with my 4 year degree and i have to say it was worth it. Costs money, but its worth it. I do agree that college is too expensive though. When i Started at sage the tuition was around 18k and im leaving now with it being 27 or 28k. Nothing even changed, except that they put a cafe where a portion of the library used to be. WTF is that about?

Excellent read! Well, I guess I’m with the majority on how long it’s taking me to get my Bachelors, lol!

What’s your point? College can’t make up for people that don’t care to be there and only are because that’s what you do when you graduate hs. For the ambitious people in the world many of them would be succesfull with or without a degree but a degree in many cases is a very large stepping stone to bigger and better things.

The chart showing how long it takes to overcome the debt between the public institute and private is also very skewed, not taking into account for the fact that the better your job is to start the more room there is for promotions and raises. Yes a very general statement but it holds true for many many jobs.
Use me as an example, my first year I made very good money but ten years from now if I continue to work in my current position will be making within 25% of that first year gross. Which is why I’m trying to find another path to continue down, with higher education being one of my posibilities

What’s your point? College can’t make up for people that don’t care to be there and only are because that’s what you do when you graduate hs. For the ambitious people in the world many of them would be succesfull with or without a degree but a degree in many cases is a very large stepping stone to bigger and better things.

The chart showing how long it takes to overcome the debt between the public institute and private is also very skewed, not taking into account for the fact that the better your job is to start the more room there is for promotions and raises. Yes a very general statement but it holds true for many many jobs.
Use me as an example, my first year I made very good money but ten years from now if I continue to work in my current position will be making within 25% of that first year gross. Which is why I’m trying to find another path to continue down, with higher education being one of my posibilities

So the cliffnotes would be something along the lines of:

college costs a shit ton of money
Not everyone graduates and earns a degree
Some people who earn their degrees have it in worthless Majors (such as english)
People who graduate with a worthwhile degree make bank.

Did this come off of a flash movie? I saw an interesting one with facts about the world etc? Was a really good movie.

nice, thts pretty interesting, i didnt go to college, i had a kid when i was 18, me and my wife do pretty well but i wish i could have gone to college.

that flash movie is shit. for some reason NYS teachers love it and they apparently play it at all their conventions. Fuckin hippies.