College in America


That seems accurate for the majority of kids. But if you do it right, college will get you places. And if not, at least you learned something and increased your overall knowledge. Most kids go to college for the “experience”. They will actually pick the college they go to based on how “fun” it is. With that kind of thinking, of course you are going to end up in the deep end.

I went to college to learn. I could care less about the degree/piece of paper that you can give to a boss. I take value in learning and IMO, being educated takes priority over most anything.

But it is survival of the fittest. If you are dumb enough to waste your college education drinking, partying and going into debt, you weren’t cut out for it anyway.

if it’s the movie i’m thinking of, it’s not total shit. the theory behind the video is that the world is evolving so fast that what we teach our children today is going to be obsolete within a few years and basically their education was pointless.

im majoring in Underwater Basket Weaving. is that a waste of time?

lol spics are dumb

I know a lot of people that major in something and never follow that as a career path, students don’t always think enough before choosing a major, but if you pick the right one or follow through when you graduate you can definitely make some serious bank. My g/f has her masters in Occupational Therapy and makes real good money, I know I want to go back and finish up school, just not until I know what I want to do for the rest of my life, I screwed that up the first time I went to college.

I’m glad I will be graduating college without the majority of problems on that list.