Colombia - Venezuala - Ecuador Situation;_ylt=AoS14wI4Ym6G1Ii4Uc1RDLq9IxIF

That Chaves is such a fucking idiot its unbelievable.
Little Pygmie rat fuck.

Yes, but these things tend to work themselves out in S. America. Sooner or later.

This is going to get messy. According to the article the embassies have been shut down, and the ambassadors were recalled.

Chavez runs his mouth too much.

We’ll send Condi down to have a talk with the boys. I’m sure it will work out. The last thing the US wants right now is a refugee situation along our southern boarder.

“Mr. Defense Minister, move 10 battalions to the border with Colombia for me, immediately — tank battalions. Deploy the air force,” Chavez said during his weekly TV and radio program. “We don’t want war, but we aren’t going to permit the U.S. empire, which is the master (of Colombia) … to come divide us.”

Everything being our fault is starting to get old…

