major :tup: to Venezuela

:tup: wow this is the first time i can think of where another country is actually helping the US when a natural disaster hit us.

Now lets if the people in charge actually accept the aid, food, water, and oil.

He should just send some of their women :present:

thats a pimp ass deal

cheap gas and eye surgery for the poor to :tup:

I’d be surprised if it was accepted because Chavez is driving it.

Good to see though, on the face of it.


Venezuela is either the #1 or #2 importer of fuel to the US.


#2 iirc.

Ive had a 3some with a venezuelan :tup: :tup: I think thats where she was from, couldnt understand everything she said :slight_smile:

it says #4 in the article. :wink:


what? me make a mistake? that’s unpossible :stuck_out_tongue:

wow…I just saw it on the news…:jawdrop:

thats an interesting offer from him
but whatever, sounds good to me! :tup: