Colts cheating??????

By Jason Cole

Monday, Nov 5, 2007 12:13 pm EST

The NFL is looking into allegations that the Indianapolis Colts piped in noise during the game Sunday between the Colts and the Patriots. The charge comes after Patriots President Jonathan Kraft became the latest NFL team executive to accuse the Colts of the distracting tactic that is against the rules.

“We’re aware of it and we’re looking into it,” NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Monday. “It may just be the TV feed from CBS, but we’re checking it out.”

Observers at the game said there seemed to be a “skip” in the sound during the game Sunday, which the Patriots won 24-20. That might confirm the long-held suspicion among many people in the NFL that the Colts play loud crowd noise to help distract opponents when the other team is on offense.

“We’re aware of the accusations, but there has never been anything to substantiate it,” Aiello said.

Kraft approached NFL Vice President of Security Milt Ahlerich after Kraft and his parents, Patriots owners Bob and Myra Kraft, left the Patriots locker room after the game.

Kraft was angry as he told Ahlerich the league needed to look into the allegation. Ahlerich is the same person who confiscated a videotape made by the Patriots during a game against the New York Jets in Week 2 that led to the Spygate controversy.

In addition, New England quarterback Tom Brady also commented on how loud it was in the RCA Dome.

“I don’t know how you measure levels of being deaf, but we couldn’t hear anything out there,” Brady said.

This is the latest in a string of incidents between the teams that have fueled the growing Colts-Pats rivalry. In the past, Colts General Manager Bill Polian has vehemently argued that the Patriots have bent the rules in terms of use of replay challenges and the pass interference rule.

Note: Patriots coach-to-quarterback headsets were not working throughout the game. NFL rules are that if one teams headset does not work, the other team is prohibited from using theirs.


I noticed that when I was watching the game, I was like wtf was that? Interesting how the kept commenting on how quiet it would get when they were on offense too. :shrug:


who cares the colts lost


I noticed that when I was watching the game, I was like wtf was that? Interesting how the kept commenting on how quiet it would get when they were on offense too. :shrug:



o wow u can hear the track skipping, thats nuts

right @ 17.5 sec-22sec , they were prolly freakin out and shut it off


o wow u can hear the track skipping, thats nuts

right @ 17.5 sec-22sec , they were prolly freakin out and shut it off


lol id like to see some footage of where it would be playing from, or even from the colts sideline because im sure someone had a reaction when it happened that would give it away.

holy crap that audio file is nuts. somebody fell asleep on the button hahah

unless some leet snky snky team belichuck haxxor edited the broadcast to make it appear that there was an audio file playing… lol.

but if you read some of the comments, it says that it wasnt heard in the stadium and tom brady is mainly the only one who heard it. im very interested to see how this is going to play out.

edit- also just saw this, taken from msnbc, “We’re aware of it and we’re looking into it,” NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Monday. “It may just be the TV feed from CBS, but we’re checking it out.”

lol. proof.

this accusation has been going around for a few years now.


I noticed that when I was watching the game, I was like wtf was that? Interesting how the kept commenting on how quiet it would get when they were on offense too. :shrug:



The big problem is CBS has admitted this was their mistake, a problem in the broadcast truck, and that sound was not heard in the stadium.

Hell, watch the play. No one reacts. Like you wouldn’t see people looking up at the speakers if something like that came blasting through.

Rofl at the fact that it started skipping in that audio clip…

Yea, I’m sure this is unbiased…RTS03/71105043

Funny, how here it reports you could hear it at the game…

walter whats that first link? i think it shortened up

look 2 posts up, its the same link.


Yea, I’m sure this is unbiased

Funny, how here it reports you could hear it at the game…


And you think BOSTON magazine isn’t going to be? Pats are still pissed they got caught cheating :stuck_out_tongue:


Yea, I’m sure this is unbiased

Funny, how here it reports you could hear it at the game…


How about you quote the 2nd link as well there boston boy. The one from Newsday.

Or how about this one:

Guess the Pats remain the only team caught cheating.


lol. proof.

this accusation has been going around for a few years now.




How about you quote the 2nd link as well there boston boy. The one from Newsday.

Or how about this one:

Guess the Pats remain the only team caught cheating.




now could you imagine if the Pats lost… there would have been just terrible terrible things happening

Well that means the Jets and Giants better watchout. No more opening the doors at the endzone ends of the stadium to create wind drafts :slight_smile:

This was just Hoodie and Kraft’s way of saying FUCK YOU NFL without actually saying the words “Fuck”, “You”, and “NFL”.