Come at me bro [split]


Dude stop telling people you were my friend im embarrased


what 200k car have i advertised that DIDNT have a new motor? You talking about the green civic i bought off sum1 on here? Because my mechanic can verify installing a new motor… And im sure youd bang 8 dudes to shrink that head of yours… i certainly would… “just saying”


Nice cumback wipe it off your chin


The pussy juice? I dont eat pussy… Dude lol… It’d be funny if it was nick alero or something, but I get so much fucking pussy that calling me gay just isnt funny… ive fucked like 12 girls JUST from my store in the last 2 months… I’d show you pics but they all include my cock, not sure if your into that or not?? I just recently posted a pic of a double bj i got which i was proud of the other day in random section… perfect j/o material for you since your wife wont let you hit it.


For a guy that says he gets so much action yo would think you could of dected it but its obvious you didnt and I didnt say ur gay





lol u no im just messing with u dude… only saying it because i heard sum1 tried to hook u up with a tranny be4 but u luckily wernt about it haha

:rofl :rofl :rofl… Pretty sure nick got a hand job from the fella.

:rofl :rofl NO WAI.

Side note, Dave if you’re paying people to neg Alex I could use some spare cash.

Alex, nothing against you. I’m just broke dude.

eh why not, go for it lol

Wait are we talking about that the night at the gay bar club thing…? Oh God :rofl…yea I was not having any of that.

No… Were talking about the rpi party where you hooked up with that tranny.

just to clear the air, i dont wanna be involved, just heard about it lol…

For real? Dipstick tube or tailshaft?

Yea…no that’s a lie.

Nope… 100% fact

ok, my bad for bringin it up, lets drop it… I got pissed at pumpkin head for talking about it, I dont wanna be a hypocrite.