Comp problem: no sound at all, some imbedded vids and most WMP vids play

no idea what caused this to happen, or when exactly, but heres the run down

Winamp: program loads properly, when i click on a song to play it the EQ shows the begining of the song start to play then itgoes dead, no sound from the headphones, time count stops, slider advance stops (basicly like i hit teh stop button)

youtube / youporn / most news sites videos: first second of video plays, no sound, if i advance the slider some the video will buffer again and play another seconds worth of the video

MWP: most videos will play all the way through, but no sound still

any ideas ?

update the drivers for your sound card.

to much porn ?? jus sayin

there are no updates for it actually, its just a POS card till i bother to figure out whats wrong w/ the onboard 5.1 system

edit: now that i think about it, some stuff fell off the top of my tower like monday or tuesday, i wonder if it hit my speaker jack on the way down and messed up the card …

well, then uninstal and reinstal them. that’s what i have had to do in the past w/ a very smilar issue.

just checked: my plug for the speakers is a tad bent … guess it wasnt made to take a hit from a hard drive, lol

lol that would do it