Company produces speakerless speaker!

I am rather surprised that there’s basically no coverage of this. I think, something of this magnitude is as big as the invention of the speaker itself! :ahh:ahh:ahh
Acapella, a Germany based company has released a tweeter(which is built into their most recent 300+ pound per speaker system costing $85,000 per pair). This is nothing like anyone has ever seen or heard of before. The tweeter is actually a constant electronic arc! If you ever saw a tazer, it’s basically like that. The music signal modulates the arc and it produces sound. The idea behind this was lowering mass of a driver, and what’s lower mass than 0, right? This produces are HIGHLY efficent tweeter, that requires a mere 15 watt to operate and one that produces 0 distortion. The system mentioned above looks like so
This looks absolutely gorgeous, to start with. The ionic plasma tweeter looks like so

Why am I so excited about this? Well, party because of what it is in itself. It’s a driverless “speaker”, thats just simply astonishing and I still cant wrap my head around this. Another thing that attracts me to this like a black hole pulling everything in its vicinity is the fact that the definition on that tweeter must be absolutely astonishing. I am a HUGE fan of titanium drivers for tweeters because of the definition they provide and how nice and bright they get. Having 0 distortion and ridiculously high efficency is stunning. Now, if only I could come up with the cash to get a pair of those Acapella High Violoncello II’s, I’d be one happy man.



Mind possibly blown. Possibly.

Here’s some other examples of what they’ve made. Personally, I think theyre gorgeous, for the lack of a better word.

Mine is 100% blown. This is borderline forcefields and lightsabers technology here! :excited:excited:excited

These are just tweeters though right? I didn’t think they had plasma woofers.

Impossible. :cry I watched that Star Wars special on discovery or something.

Dare I say “not yet”? :excited

Lots of little speakers can produce the sound of a woofer, but not yet, no. They’re an EPIC step ahead of everyone else though.


Look like a bunch of airhorns…

that design is quite nice to spread sound around. PA systems use the same thing on the horns. It helps disperese the sound more, so its less directional and helps fill out the space more. you basically WANT horns like that.

I thought the horns were designed to amplify and direct the sound?

Hey look, someone created giant doofy looking speakers.