Compare: ICs

Yea, I’ll say quicker spool to clarify it I guess. I think I meant to type “improve” before.

There might be a little confusion here. The key to the whole equation is that I am using a different turbo this year. The turbo is slightly bigger and when tuned on E85 I expect it to make about 100 more hp.

Now since the turbo is a little bit bigger my attention turned to improving spool time by decreasing the amount charge piping and improve the flow of my intercooler to do this with ‘one stone’ me and adam took the time and effort to modify the core that I already had.

The point of the thread was more of a “look at this low cost alternative to back door end tank construction” “DIY and make it better flowing than T1”

The discussion turned to the core since I didn’t point that out initially and my E-rep paid for it dearly :lol

So again:
-a garrett core is better than mine
-my core is effective it cooled my intake air effectively last year
-the air will flow smoother through my endtanks than the T1 example
-I had my own end tanks created after some research and drawings by adam.
-My charge piping length has now been reduced by about 3’