Completely lost...

woa, you are DEF not the sharpest tool in the shed… I was “busting” on Red becuase he said when is that “dumpy sk2 coming” which before he told me what he REALLY meant, sounded like he was saying it was a peice of shit… I replied by telling him that his civic was nothing to brag about hence why I said wheels would be a good trade for an entire car when obviously it wouldnt be… It was a joke you fucking tool bag, I think YOUR the one not understanding what people say lol… I would have said the exact same thing if the s2000 came with steelies you idiot, I wasnt talking about how much the wheels were worth, rather how worth-LESS a civic hatch is… of course I was just playing around with him as he was with me… Why are you even talking about a conversation your not involved in??? lol, mind your own business.

Last, I dont really care that you overpaid for something and that I happened to steal something lol… I ROBBED that s2000 I could care less what you say and its ONLY becuase the person who listed it on ebay knew NOTHING about the car what so ever… Look at the listers ebay name “ocwatchking” …He is a JEWELER that took that car in on trade for a Rolex watch… If someone who built that car listed it on ebay, I’d estimate a buy it now price of at LEASTTT $20k and someone WOULD buy it… Just becuase I got a deal on something doesnt mean it isnt worth more lol… Let me know the next time you find $50,000 cash in a suit case, im sure you’d be willing to take $10k cash for it since you got it for free right??? …idiot :facepalm