Computer Help (Attn: Dick Starbucks)

Hello all. I know the 12 days of computing xmas, or whatever you want to call that list of Do’s and Dont’s previously posted off by heart. I have no trouble with spyware, and I am most certainly not the cause to my computer problems. With that said, on to me question… I need to take a piece of software from one computer and install it on another…without the installation disk. Is this possible? I know that it is possible in a linux environment, but my windows expertise only runs so deep. The main computer I use at work for analyzing data had a HD failure, and the only other machine I have to use is the one constantly in use, recording the data. Is there some way to manually copy the program from the working machine to my laptop? Any, and all help is greatly appreciated.

it is possible but depending on the complexity of the program, it can be a real pain. Try copying the folder that lives in program files first and see what happens. The real problem is when the program installs dll’s and manipulates the registry.

If the program ran an install script (not just an extraction script) then no, it probably won’t work.

i not sure about that one
seek higher knowledge.

i can find you so much porn your fireman will explode thou

Did you try contacting the manufacturer of the program’s technical support and explaining what happened?

Installations are usually complex on windows, as previously noted.

There are a few things installations usually do (not always all of these, tho):

  1. Add/Upgrade system components (if necessary)
  2. Copy the files
  3. Write registry entries
  4. Create/augment environment variables
  5. Self-register COM servers (dll’s, exe’s, ocx’s)
  6. Add IIS web services
    7a. Set up .NET Framework components either locally (manifest files) or by adding them to the Global Assembly Cache
    7b. Then make necessary changes to the security settings for the the .NET Framework
  7. Write “Shared Files” registry entries of components commited to the system
  8. link .NET framework components/VB/C++ DLL’s/EXE’s/OCX’s to IIS web services
  9. Create program shortcuts
  10. Write uninstall routine/registry entries

The more of this kind of information you can get from the broken HD’s system, the better chance you have of getting the program to run.

There’s a monkey wrench in all this, of course. Some modern programs require “activation” and this will severly limit the ability to get the program up and running on the replacement machine.

Could you use a null modem cable and try to run it remotely? Just shooting in the dark here…I honestly have no idea. :lol:

i’m confused with the problem at hand? when you say analyze and record are you talking about proprietary shit within the program? do you use the same app to read as you wrote and you just need to launch it to read? what type of file are you recording? what app?

pm specifics, guessing is pointless.

i’m confused with the problem at hand? when you say analyze and record are you talking about proprietary shit within the program? do you use the same app to read as you wrote and you just need to launch it to read? what type of file are you recording? what app?

pm specifics, guessing is pointless.

Sonny -

Time lapsed images are taken, and saved as files by a robotic microscope developed at CMU. I use the two programs to view the images, and infer data from them. Two machines have the software installed. The one machine is dead, the other is in constant use. I have tried to copy some of the program from the working machine and tried installing on another, but to no avail. There are threee programs total. One to collect the data, and the two used for viewing. I don’t know if this helps at all.

file types in use? writing to database or data file? … how damaged is the damaged drive?

there are methods to do waht you want, but they are really involved… how serious is this? money an issue ? :wink:

The drive is gone. At this point I think it is going to be more work than it is worth to me. Thanks for all of the help.