Backing up programs on CD???

Well, my comp is still majorly F-ed. I cant DL anything, or run hardly any of my programs on my comp. Nor can I reload windows in patch mode. I guess I need to do a complete sweep and reload of windows. How do I save my current programs and data to a disk so I can reload windows?

Also, if anyone can give me tips on reloading windows would rule.

Hope that you saved the installation files. Otherwise you may be somewhat SOL. Ghosting the drive maybe? I know somethign can be done but I cna’t think what. Good thing to learn though for those out there in the same position.

I have the complete Windows instalation disk, but my comp won’t let me install anything off of it.

Are you on a network? Just send the files to a second PC then send them back after the format and ish.

for faster back up I recommend backing it up onto a different hdd in another comp or if you only have a few things to save burn them to a DVD or CD.

When you reformat and reinstall windows you could partion you drive, for example split a 120GB HDD to a 20 and a 100 and install windows on the 20gb part leaving 100gb for slave data