Computer help

i didn’t need an answer for that, but thanks anyhow.

look at page one asswipe!!!

i saw that. thanks.

i have the standard windows firewall (which i’m sure doesn’t help for shit)… anyone know a good firewall to use?

norton internet security 2002+

download and run adaware (by Lavasoft) and make sure you update the definitions first… should remove spyware… best anti-spyware program out there

Spysweeper found 232 things Adaware didn’t find

did you update? can’t expect each company to cover every single piece of spyware, but running several scans from different companies helps. i know spybot search and destroy is good tool.

I update Adaware + Spysweeper every time I run them

232 cookies… :gives:

i run a zone alarm pro the windows firewall and have norton anti virus and got jacked

i use adaware + Spybot


How about picking up a fucking book and reading instead of waiting for everyone to fix your stupid shit where you think you know it all then end up fucking shit up…

I don’t want or need your respect, I just like to make fun of you and chuckle at your flopping around trying to fix shit.


do you post anything other than condescending replies, cocksucker?

I know a little more than the average layman about computers. There are things I don’t know and both Whitey and Sonny said I should post here before I try anything. I have no desire to ever work on computers for a living, so I’m not going to go out and get books/training/etc… on something I loathe to do.

Off topic here…I’ve been wondering something for a while: What do you drive? I’ve never seen you make one post about your own car, and you don’t have a vbGarage.

I don’t have a car, I ride a bike to work… I just hang out to make fun of you all day. The only cocksucking going on I know of is what your g/f does when she comes over at night.

damn… that was almost original… :rolleyes:

You don’t even own a car… :bowrofl:…and you post on a car site… I’ve now heard it all.

u dont either!!!(gocartsdonotaply) :itr41: :hsdance:

The Prizm may be slow, but it’s better than driving a pair of shoes.