Computer help

I’m getting an insane amount of pop-ups, browser setting hijacks, et cetera since i got out to california. i tried resetting my web settings, but i can no longer search from my address bar.

what can i do to stop the pop-ups and fix my address bar?

use netscape…built in pop-up stopper
i switched about 6months ago & i like it a lot better
they have made a ton of improvements from the older versions.



format c:

format C: might be a little bit of a pain in the ass with my OS disk 2500 miles away… but i’ll try spysweeper.

dude… boot up the pc… take it OFF the interweb… open IE>… let the spyware garbabge error out… open tools int options, reset the homepage… (probably set to some script on your local drive… ) then go to add/remove prog and delete all the spyware shit that is infecting your PC>… drop your IE temp files on XP (C:\docs and setts\username\local settings) and clean up that piece.

maybe download regcleaner or run: msconfig and get rid of stuff.


How about…

-Stand up
-Break the computer
-find your lady
-pull her away from the guy paying mor e attention to her than you
-go have dinner
-Go To sleep
-stay away from the computer and repeat the rest of the time out there.

(Disclaimer - Some steps may be subsituted by other activities as long as its not computer related)


but yea i hear ya!

waiting for the car again.

two cars and three drivers here.

we went to mission valley last night… fun stuff. I’m thinking Tijuana for the weekend.

thats a good start now destroy the computer. :smiley:

Go out side and just sit or somthing with your lady. Trust me you will miss it when you start busting your balls and never get that much quality time anymore.

Chirst me and jenn havn’t been on a real vacation in a long ass time :hs:

[QUOTE=How about…

-Stand up
-Break the computer
-find your lady
-pull her away from the guy paying mor e attention to her than you
-go have dinner
-Go To sleep
-stay away from the computer and repeat the rest of the time out there.
-and when you come home go back to pittracing

(Disclaimer - Some steps may be subsituted by other activities as long as its not computer related)


You are a fucking idoiot…

I thought you knew it all… quit clicking on the male porn sites and getting infected… Or better yet stay the fuck off public access networks where you don’t even realize you are getting hacked…

Public owned network is like going to a whore house and gang banging the entire fucking place with no condoms…

Thats awsome :smiley:

Actually, shit like this never happened back home with the wireless router + Comcast, but out here with RoadRunner internet and a CAT5 plugged straight into the wall, i’m getting nailed.

edit: and i asked a legitimate question, faggot. if you don’t have a legitimate answer, shut the fuck up

dont feel bad i got hijacked and cant fix this shit

ever actually… Canada for a weekend isn’t a “real” vacation… :hs: I’m thinking the beach… or a cruise… :wink:

it just pisses me off that people on here will say “you should have asked here before you tried to fix it” and then when i ask i get some bullshit reply (usually from silvrhand). If you want some fucking respect for being knowledgeable about computers, give a legitimate answer. When my seventy year old aunt can’t figure out how to change her Lexis/Nexis access codes, I don’t roll my eyes and give her some douchebag response.

my shit is fucked up someone want to burrow my computer and fix it…

its a alienware area 51m if that helps

lack of firewall owns you bitch

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i gave you a legit responce…