Computer/Network Nerds IN HERE Please

OK here is what I got…

Right now im running a VZW jetpack hot spot in my house (only thing I can get for high speed)

Sprint has sent me a Airvana Airave access point ( I have shity cell service and this is the atempt to “save” my service) …

The Airave runs off a broadband router/modem to get the “correct” signal… here is my thing … my jetpack is wireless and will always be … Am I able to convert a computer that can retrieve the wireless signal from my jetpack and run into my cell access point?

Links to what I have


I found this … but I’m trying to do it free or with a old computer i have about 5 laying around

So you want to run your sprint cell phone off your VZW hot spot? I think you divided by zero. There is software available to take in the wireless internet and use the ethernet port on the PC to output, but I don’t know what it is. Just know my friend uses it on his laptop to connect the ethernet on his Xbox.

Why not just port to Verizon if there’s signal at your house?

Sounds like the cell booster is looking for an Ethernet connection and you only have wifi, if I’ve deciphered your story properly?
Get an Ethernet to wifi bridge, basically makes a wired Ethernet device connect via wireless.
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