computer people help pop ups virus?

adelphia installed my powerlink yester day and turned off my firewall on my computer and thismorning its full of pop ups and all that i cant even go to a site it will redirect me to something else its fawked it works ok if im unplugged from router what should i do my antivirus software is expired is there one avalible that will fix evrty thing thanks

Unfortunately, once you actually get a virus the best thing to do is to back up your data and reformat.

try avg and spybot.

Turning off a software firewall is not going to cause popups.

Uninstall norton or mcaffee, they are shit.

If you can’t get it fixed PM me.

Yeah, like JH said… get rid of your old av software and get AVG-free edition… hands down BEST AV software IMO. Grisoft (makers of AVG) also have a free spyware program with realtime protection called AVG anti-spyware, which I also HIGHLY reccomend. Great software imo

oh, and I also would suggest using Sygate Pro for a firewall… awesome firewall, lots of options and logging abilities. Since I started using it years back, I havent bothered using anything else.

for the most part… there are lots of removal FAQ’s but most of the time virus software just will identify the virus

i hate adelphia im goona try to save it later with the adelphia fredom sowtware then if that dont work burn all fimportant files to a dvd and throw out my 2 litle drives and get 1 big one

found the problem :stuck_out_tongue:

seriously though… dont use that junk they give you. There are many better alternatives out there

Sounds to me like spyware that was there to begin with. Those pop ups were probably triggered by something that was on the machine but the larger bandwidth is heplping that stuff come up.

Don’t even waste time trying to use freedom

antivirus software didnt do it nor did the popup stuff formatted both drives thrownin them both on the shelf and tossin in a new 80 gig ide drive
windows defender
run windows in safe mode and run all the virus/spyware shit you got.

A good infection (if possible to remove) will take a good couple hours of running this crap to get rid of it.

That will do it too.


bighands if you want it fixed I will do it this weekened let me know.

it was too far gone when i ran the virus scan it deleted some shit and wouldnt boot up so i said fuck it its all good i formatted both drives im throwing them on the shelf picking a new one on monday
thanks for the hulp guys

I think you have that punctuation disabling virus, too. Try