i am an idiot-computer geek wanted :)

Ok, so I am a computer whiz, right? WRONG. I need major help. I have AVG free edition virus program. Well for the last 3 days, like every 20 minutes or so, it pops up and says there is a new virus detected. So theres alittle button that says “HEAL VIRUS” so i pick that, and usually it says “VIRUS HEALED SUCCESSFULLY” then sometimes it says you cant heal it, and it puts it in a “vault”. Well now…wtf is that. How do I get rid of it, and is my computer infected with all these little maggot viruses?

I will reveal my major retardedness by saying…I dont know wtf a cookie is, or how to delete it, and what all do I need to do to my computer, and how often, to keep it running healthily. My last computer shit the bed after 2 years and Im sure it could have been fixed, but instead, I bought a brand new one. Id rather not have to spend another $1400 on a computer next year. Ive had this one since March.

Please dont laugh at my retardation, my smarts are in other areas (LOLOLOL) and any help is greatly appreciated. And when I say, you must be specific…I really mean specific. Such as step by step instructions. Thank you :slight_smile:

what windows? xp?

buy a REAL Anti Virus program. they are cheap.

problem solved

yeah, its xp. i just ran adaware and had 150 “new critical objects”

any recommendations on a REAL anti virus program?


i might be okay now. since i ran the adaware and deleted all that shit…i havent seen a pop up yet. i used to get bombarded with “legalize marijuana” pop ups and that tickle.com stupid shit all damn day.

was jeff over on your computer?

LOL no. i did have to go to a few porn sites to bust my moms boyfriend, LOL but those pop ups were way before the porn sites!

Interesting :rofl:

Moms Bf, upload pics of you in the shower?

no, but he had some add on some porn site that he was interested in 3somes and “rocking and rolling all night long”. The dumbass used my moms credit card, so she called, got the login and password…and I used that to my advantage :wink:

nice sig lol

anyways, getting alittle off topic-dont want to get yelled at :wink:

AVG is a pretty good anti virus. It is NOT a spyware remover.

Dumbass payed for Porn :wtf:

ohwell, have fun fixing the puter :slight_smile:

ok, well do you know how to use avg? cause i sure as shit dont! once the files go to the vault, what do i do with them then? i deleted them, but dont know if i was supposed to.


a vault is the same as a quarantine, which is the same as any other arbitrary word that means an enviroment in which the specific file cannot ‘launch’ itself… so if you pulled down a virus in a file, that file will be placed in a state in which it cannot execute the virus.

i never used AVG… however, i’m going to assume there is an ‘admin console’ or some sort of management type of window that you can view the virus definitions and kick off scans and whatnot… within this window is where you’ll find the ‘vault’ and be able to purge (delete) the infected files.

so yeah… the quick solutoin would be to find someone with symantec and install that :wink: or to purchase norton for home use or something of the like.

pop ups and ads are not viruses… howevr a virus could replicate a file (meaning you can continously ‘vault’ said files yet it will recreate itself over time (you said 20 min)) and launch the adware to hit the popup network to cause popups and shit.

basically i’d hit microsofts site and download the anti-spyware andrun it… same with adaware as both programs will do a decent job for free.

i’m a symantec guy, so i suggest symantec corporate edition and symantec client security (personal firewall).

but installing programs on an already infected machine is like putting a bandage on a cut with gang green… meaning, cut the fucker off and start over.

best bet, if its a real issue, is to contact someone, like me, to fix your computer for a nominal fee, then install all the up-to-date virus / adware blockers / scanners and stop fuckin around with that shit.

also, a cookie is a file that is created on your local machine that is used by websites to ‘remember’ things… as easily put as can be.


hope something that i said helps you understand and relieve some retardation. :slight_smile:

MS Anti-Spyware… download from www.microsoft.com.

BTW, don’t get PC-Cillin! It’s fucking obnoxious… I tell it to scan for viruses while I’m not here, and it still fucking scans it like at 3PM in the middle of something I’m doing… and I leave my email client running all day, and it checks for new mail every hour… every time it gets a virus (often since it’s corporate email) it interrupts whatever I’m typing/doing with a god damn popup telling me it found a fucking virus in the email (an email that I’m smart enough not to open anyways… :rolleyes: ) and it screws up my work flow since I type like 70 wpm!

OK, so I think Ive taken care of the popups. They were all ads.yieldmanager popups, so I did a search, did the fix, so far so good. Now on to other issues. I get a “Server Busy” box that says This action cannot be completed because other program is busy. Choose ‘Switch to’ to activate busy program and correct the program.

[Switch to] [Retry]
I doesnt let me X out or cancel, and nothing works, I have to restart. When I ctrl alt del to restart this (pic) comes up. It always has the Updates from HP as erroring out. Thats what that icon means, doesnt it? HAHA im we todd id


that’s it?

Kurt, thats not helping LOL. I know youre a computer geek. Yeah my “fix” didnt work. More fun pop ups. Im about to piss on this computer and throw it out the window.

The HP agent is a auto-start program when windows starts.

Go to start, Run type in msconfig.

hit the startup tab, find HPUpdated in the list, uncheck it, hit apply yhen ok.

reset the cpu and see if it comes back up.

anyone know anything about the Server Busy box? its more or less a pop up thats erroring IE out. Ive figured out that much. the pop up cant POP UP and that box comes up, someitmes i can get rid of it, when i do, then the pop up comes up. when i cant, i have to restart.