i am an idiot-computer geek wanted :)

its prob trying to do your HP update and the server is busy or unavailable. hence the server busy message

msconfig that shit and disable it, kill the process and update as needed, manually

So far so good. I was out for a few hours tonight and I came home and I havent had a server busy thingy yet. So… You are my new hero! Ive been fighting that battle for the last week and a half. Take a bow, youve helped my retardation come down one level. Thanks again!
Now if I could only get rid of these stupid pop ups.


if you would just read my post and do what i suggested, you wouldn’t be having problems.

I did read your post. The pop ups are down to a minimum. However, as I was typing this the first time, I got the server busy message again. So maybe the misconfig didnt work. Who knows, I give up. Wanna come over and fix this stupid machine? HAHA

Reboot to safe mode - before the windows logo pops up hammer on the F8 key.
Select “Safe Mode” dont choose the networked portion(use arrows + enter). This way its totaly cut off from the net incase there is anything sending shit out behind the scenes.

Do a search for that hpupdater.exe file or what ever. Delete all instances of it, then purge the Recycle bin.

take a screen shot of your services, im bored, i like to see if there is something running in there. Right click My Computer icon > Manage > Services & Applications > services. You canstop random services in here. Wouldnt recomend it tho. Take a shot of it for the hell of it. Bored at work training for Apple.

i think the only training for using apples is being homosexual :dunno:


update all your scans and your virus definitions then simply unplug the network cable and do some tweaking… without an active internet connectino, the program will attempt to run, but not.

OK…update. Everything seems to be alittle bit better, except that “server busy” pop up. 8 out of 10 times now I can get rid of it, seems to mostly pop up when i have internet explorer open. I have to ctrl alt delete and end the program that way. i cannot click out of it bc its not responding. then i hit retry and it goes away and a pop up comes up. the times i cannot get it to go away, when i shut down. a box pops up saying that IExplorer.exe isnt responding and i have to either cancel or end now to get it to shut down. So obviously my IE is fucked. Can I download another version of it someone online and delete the version I have now? I cant find a god damn restore disk for this mother f’er and its about to get tossed out from a 2nd story window. I still owe like 900.00 on the pos too LOL