Computer people....need your opinion

I am building a new PC, since mine is way outdated now. I currently have a Celeron D 2.4Ghz processor, and it is ridiculously slow. I wanted to try out an AMD processor, but know nothing about them. I was going to pick up this processor and motherboard. ts only a single core processor, but I dont do anything to require a dual core, plus I dont want to fork over the big money for one. is this a good combination??? I can buy both, brand new in sealed packages for $145.00

AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Socket AM2 w/ heatsink and fan
ECS K8M890M-M Motherboard Combo

Feature & Spec.:

Motherboard and Processor Together in one Bundle!

Retail Boxed AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Orlean 2.4GHz Processor :

Model: AMD Athlon 64 Processor (ADA3800CWBOX)

Frequency: 2.4 GHz

Cache: L1 Cache: 64KB+64KB, L2 Cache 512KB

Socket: AM2

Process Type: 90 nm

64 bit support YES

HT: 2000MHz

Vista Ready: Yes

Package: BOXED CPU including heatsink and fan!

That looks like a pretty good price considering that I paid more than that for just my processor (AMD 64 3500+ ClawHammer core). I have a dualcore motherboard but only running the 64 for right now.

I have heard a lot of good things about AMD such as they are better for gaming, price is right and usually are underrated… The only thing is that they need to stay cool, which shouldn’t be a problem if you don’t overclock…

Your powersupply should fit the AMD motherboard if you are swapping in the MB and CPU only, and I don’t really see any other problems, just make sure you can use the same RAM on this mobo.

If you have any other questions shoot me a PM.

Edit: Original price for CPU:

I looked at that mobo on their site and it uses DDR2 SDRAM memory, and your current board more than likely uses DDR. These are not compatible as the notches are in different spots, so you’ll need to upgrade memory as well.

well first off… where is your computer slow? what is it doing that you think its acting slow? are you gaming? general use? for most people a celeron 2.4 would be fine. How much RAM and what kind of ram are you using?

I personally like Intel chips for workstations, but I don’t see there being much difference then price.

its slow on everything…startup, running programs, gaming. Right now my computer only has a Celeron D 2.4Ghx chip, a Soyo Dragon Motherboard, 512kb of DDR RAM, a Radeon 9800 Pro 256Mb Video Card. I am running Windows XP Professional OS

it’s a celeron…even a 2.4 celeron runs like a 600mhz p3

and this is probably more power then needed for the average user! I am sure this user is like most, with a ton of crap that needs cleaned out.

what do you define as an average user? someone who owns a digi cam and likes to email and print out the pics? celerons suck for anything but online banking and Pittspeeding. If you want a lightweight replacement that will outperform the celeron get an amd turion 64…not extra powerful but it’s vista compatible and has 64bit technology(more throughput for you slow ones)

There probably is alot of crap that needs cleaned out of it…

intel core 2 duo>any amd

amd is not the best gaming chip anymore. Intel is where it is at, even at a little price premium.

What OS are you running on the Celery?

read :doh:

my bad. not enough coffee.

Stripping down the services running on the OS, a thorough virus scan, scrubbing the OS with Adaware/Spybot S&D, hijackthis and/or LSPFix would likely help.

The bad part about all this is that the stuff people want to use and all the crap that runs in the tray is sometimes part of the problem.

fastest core 2 duo(extreme) is 2.8ghz
fastest amd dc is 3.0ghz…add the multimedia efficiency that amd’s tend to carry and that .2 ghz will seem like a whole ghz
amd’s are always ahead when it comes to gaming…well multimedia intensive programs. intel isn’t built for that and never will be.
AMD Athlon™64 FX 74 Dual-Core runs circles around the core 2 duo(extreme)…research before you speak
this year would be the FIRST year where intel actually made a decent impact with a new chip…thats kind of crappy for a company that’s oh so great

yeah, bc the FX line is SOOO affordable :hsugh: I knew a kid that dropped like 1500 or so on one a year ago(solo core). I couldnt help but point and laugh that his machine is pretty much sub par and he paid 4x what the XP line could have done.

that 2.4 is probably okay, fuck cleaning it up, fresh reinstall and some extra ram would probably do if your not gaming. Ill back whitey, I think the work stations at work are all celerons, they run perfectly fine for the crap we put them thru.

What speed ram is it? I have some pc333 laying around i need to get rid of. i ran a 2000Xp and 2400xp with a gig of ram and it was faster then anything I needed, didnt game bad. But i strip my OS down. I need to get into slippstreaming OS’s, take out all the unwanted crap XP packs in.

people on here are too busy breaking and fixing their cars to have the excess cash to afford one :greddy: celerons are like base model economy cars…

read this page and click a few more past this one to see the benchmarks. Intel is better than AMD.

research before you speak.

intel just like microsoft has and always will play catch up. you can’t overclock intels…why…they burn up…like having a car that you can’t turbo…yet you want it to be faster…useless…try buying a bigger brain next time. those benchmarks are useless because i’m betting the machines they ran those on had more than 3-4 gigs of ram and everything else would HAVE to be top of the line…which in my opinion…the people on this board…either can’t afford it…don’t need it…or aren’t video game hard-ons like the idiots who tried to run quake at 300fps
you take intels and beat on them…they die…like american cars
you take amd’s and beat on them…they live…like hondas
longevity & multimedia performance = amd>intel
and if you were as smart as you say you are…you would know computers are somewhat like cars…it’s not the car it’s the driver…well its not the computer its the configuration…sure you can have top of the line intel shit…but if all of your drivers are crap along with a bunch of stuff running at the same time(8 out of 10 users are like this) all i would need is a middle of the road amd and the omega drivers to pwn anyone who knows anything about computers knows that amd is the processor of choice for heavy gaming/multimedia users. Sure the core 2 extreme is fast…but like intel always seems to do…it’ll be replaced…rather quickly.

no need for me to research this stuff…i sold it for 2 years and built it for 6…

look around the overclocking forums. the old p4’s ran hot and didn’t overclock well, the new core 2 duo’s are excellent at overclocking. research before you speak/post. intel’s new core 2 duo line of processors is the best out right now, period. Do a little research and you will find out.

from “The E6300 and E6400 can easily overclock to E6700 and Core 2 Extreme X6800 levels, though the smaller cache does limit performance a bit. That being said, our overclocked E6300 was able to equal and in all cases but one outperform AMD’s Athlon 64 FX-62. In fact, in quite a few benchmarks, the overclocked E6300 is essentially out of reach of anything AMD can offer with their current K8 designs. At $183, the value here is tremendous, and if you’re willing to overclock the benefits don’t get any clearer than that.”
Final Words - Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 & E6400: Tremendous Value Through Overclocking

this is the 2nd time in this thread that I have backed up my statements with links and info, is there anything else you would like me to own you at this morning?

fx-62 isn’t the fastest amd for one and two…
you can own me at being (burnyd moment)gay…well…thats a 24/7 thing. i go off of what i build and what i use/know…not off of other peopls opinions and online writeups on chips. Would you buy a car from someone just because they said it was faster than anyone elses? 9 out of 10 people wouldn’t…the intel is useless hardware that nobody is going to buy…all gamers want is amd/ati amd/nvidia. You have your papers and i have customer wants and needs…which in the end…is a lot more important than what “the statistics say” because nobody cares about statistics…they want to know what it’s going to do for them and why the hell they need it
i don’t care if your selling a ford gt for half price…i want my v6 with better fuel effieciency and less hp so i don’t kill myself…just like i don’t care if this chip is faster than mine…i like and want amd because it’s better for gaming. there is always a bottleneck so having a faster processor won’t do anything…if we are both in traffic thats moving at 20mph it doesn’t matter if you have a 1200hp supra and i have my little 140hp neon…we are both going the same speed

xlogic, post some links to back up what you say.

every benchmark I have seen has intel>amd.