Computer People Question for ya

I’m going to have to disagree with you- I really find most of it pretty boring. I guess it the only stuff that isn’t boring is when I catch someone in some act of misuse or attack…

I also prefer to specialize along one career path (security)- though it probably helps in the “boredom department” that my specific path incorporates aspects of all other IT paths into it.

I agree…thats why i gave it up so fast. I tried the whole programming bit…got boring, tried troubleshooting and repair…i do it to this day if someone needs me to but i don’t go out like “i can fix that”, tried Graphic Design & some things that go with it and i got bored with the computer side of things, i’ve always been about art and am pretty good at it…if my liking for cars sticks i’ll go into automotive detailing.

Side Note: Computer programming held my attention when i was making shit to break peoples computers…when i started making things that were actually useful…i lost interest. Different strokes for different folks.

Didn’t catch this the first time around. People replied to my posts without knowing how the complete setup was done. The computers were already on…with the Limited Connectivity Problem…UNTIL the switch was hooked in…it automatically got a new ip which was in a completely different range as far as the class b IP’s reserved by the OS and the IP’s given by an outside device. This happened both at work and at home. So before somebody comes in to try and correct me think about doing it the right way instead of being an asshole and calling me out of my name because i am far from an “idiot”.

and 77redass computers in general is a very easy field to work in especially at my age…i get bored when things are too easy and i lose interest rather fast. And as far as my job field…i’m going to do what holds my attention…because only then will i be satisfied with myself

what IP address did the machine have after the switch was added?