Good Router (Cable Modem/XBox360 Live) Use

Pretty much the title says it all…Im lookin to buy one today and hopin some of u guys could tell me a good price/quality one to buy.


well it really depends what you want. Ive got your basic linksys wrt54g. B/G wireless, 4 ports, full 10/100. Never had any problems handling over 9 machines connected through the ports and wireless. Used it on live with my xbox for halo-ing. Can prolly get one for under $20 since theyre “outdated” at this point.

I just have a linksys one and it works great

x3 for linksys. my wireless g has never given me a single problem.

Linksys Wrt54g is probably one of the most common out there.
Reliable, rarely go bad. Easily configured and not to mention is now owned by Cisco… so for $60 its definately worth it.

Thanks guys! Gonna go get one tomarrow.
Oh, and I got another question for Xbox360 “HD” hook-up check out my topic in this area.

OK a “friend of the family” hooked me up with a LINKSYS SD205 (S-Port 10/100 Switch. Told me it would work fine.

Well, it has 5 ports and none of them have a description on them so, I plugged the cable FROM the model into #1, the 360 into port #2, and the desktop into #3.

My desktop continued to work fine BUT, the 360 had a failed connection because of the IP Address. I looked at the address and it was all 000s.

What does it mean and how can I get it to work…IF this router/switch…whatever is compatible?


A switch is completely different from a router.

If you have a switch connected directly to your modem only one device will be able to connect. (Unless of course you have multiple IPs with your connection, which most people do not)

You need to find/purchase a router. Which basically allows you to take “one” connection and share it with multiple devices.

yes, switches dont know how to assign ip addresses, which is ur problem. it is also the reason why fuzz said that only one device can connect. the lucky first device to get the one and only ip address coming in is the only one that can connect. however, u can put in a router and use the switch in conjunction with the router to expand the amount of machines u want running.

in ur case, just get a router


I kinda figured…ok guess Im still out to buy a router then. Thanks guys.
OH! one more thing, will the 360 and desktop figure it all out then?

yes just plug it in and make sure u have a connection, xbox will take care of the rest, its all DHCP anyways

cool! I’ll be lookin for all yous on the XBox Live!

A switch is just like a cable splitter, it doesn’t assign ip addresses.

You need a router, if you outgrow that, then you plug the switch into the uplink to get more ports.

I used a couple switches at my old job when we did computer testing stations with kvm’s, this way each one could have a internet connection.

crazy granxprix owners…

If you can’t get this figured out give me a call I will get it setup.

Thanks All Mighty El Es Juan owner! I’ll prolly end up callin later…lol