Computer People Question for ya

What does this do …

Does it work like or is it a router ?

No, it is not a router it is a switch.

Allows you to connect devices together on a network.

Controls IP traffic, but does NOT do routing.

What he said. basically all it does is connect 5 computers together in a network.

Can be added to a router to support additional connections in addition to whatever amount of ports the router itself has.

That will just support computers talking to each other, but doesn’t have routing functions or ability to get online. These are usually built into routers that you find in BestBuy and whatnot. Better off getting one of those.

wont assign an IP address to your computer.

actually with just a switch your computers WILL get their own ip’s because of it. I had a setup with just computers and a switch done at home and at bestbuy when i worked there to network games. It’s bare basic in all honesty…spend the extra money on a router

Pretty much all you do is wire the uplink to your net connection whether it be cable, dsl, or something else that uses ethernet…and hook your computer(s) up to it so that the connection can be shared. Great for those who have a ps2 and a computer or two and have to unplug one or the other to use the net cable

actually with just a switch your computers WILL get their own ip’s because of it.

Switches do not assign IP addresses by their nature. You likely experienced either: a: Windows APIPA addressing, or b: Whatever DSL/Cable modem you had the switch plugged into had DHCP server functionality.


anyone got a Router for sale then ? this is for my gfs crap so

Best Buy - Circuit City - Wal Mart - CompUSA


no modem/router plugged into either of the switches(from different manufacturers)
and as far as APIPA there is an extended wait before a class b IP is assigned and whenever a windows machine has to resort to that you usually get a error message speaking of limited connectivity(in most cases) This was an instantaneous ip retrieval that indicated a dhcp server being found

There is not an extended wait. From what I recall, after an XP/2003 Windows machine boots, it sends an initial DHCP discovery broadcast, and if this fails, it sends 3 more discovery broadcasts staggered at 8, 16, and then 32 seconds. XP/2003 then self assigns an address in the 169.254.x.x range, while continuing to make DHCP discovery broadcasts every few minutes.

I’d look it up in one of my MS books, but I’m in Chicago for OpenView training. I do know that there is NOT an “extended” wait.

Many enterprise level switches can provide DHCP server functionality (if you turn it on). However, this is NOT default behavior for any switch and is NOT built into a switch by definition, so:

actually with just a switch your computers WILL get their own ip’s because of it.

…is definitely not a true statement.

If you were working with a typical “home” switch then you most likely experienced APIPA, if you were working with an “enterprise level” piece then I suppose it could have assigned your PCs an address.

Sorry for the long post. :smiley: In the past few days I’ve probably walked…ALOT of miles, my feet hurt so much that I don’t want to get out of bed, and therefore I’m bored.

…and you wanted to blow xlogic the fuck up out of here for being a fucking idiot complemented by his total lack of all computer/networking technology knowledge. You saved me much frustration and typing, Thank you.

LOL! No problem! Hahahaha

sry but if someone knows more than me in somethin…it’s not the end of the world. and this “fucking idiot” could care less what you say. you may not continue sticking your dick in a vacumn cleaner:wackit:

I think everyone is computer illiterate. design a better VB fourms. such a flawwed crap thing.

just think of the money yins computer geeks can make.

computers are boring…this is why i no longer take is as something i want to make into a career…more power to those of you who do

then quit posting in computer threads stating bad advice.

And computers are not boring, I bet you couldn’t hack it and decided on an easier job field.

I find computers boring as well…but, the field pays pretty well and once you develop a strong skill set, you’ve got excellent career security.

I don’t like computers, but they aren’t boring. If you do anything too long it gets boring, but the nice about the computer field is it’s so huge, you never have to do the same thing if you don’t want to. I was a pc tech, it got boring. Then I was a system administrator, it got boring. Now I am going for router type stuff. Once that gets boring I will find another path in the computer field to try.