Computer Questionn

i would definitely try all software updates before resorting to sending it somewhere for a hardware fix

Tru dat!

still nothingg

it might be getting too hot and shutting down… my old laptop did that.

but I download porn on my computer and it works great… that might be the problem… u dont have enough.

try lighting it on fire…does it burn?

then there’s your problem right there, it won’t work if it’s on fire

Lol… I did all the windows updates an still nada

truer words have never been spoken/typed… i should know.:shifty

Alright so I found the problem I think it says there is a problem with the ATI graphics driver would that cause it?

yes that would definitely do it.

I found another update that is taking forever that hopefully will fix it

tell frank 2 stop looking at porn and then slamming it shut when he gets caught…probloem #1

I don’t get caught. We watch together.

lmao…thats great…so theres no need to slam it shut when both of you get caught…

**mom walks in

**frank slams it shut

mom: did you guys hear something like screaming or sumthing

sam: naw i didn’t hear anything

frank: uhmm did it sound like this??..
**opens laptop and girl procedes to scream

Lol my mom doesn’t care she’s prob downstairs watching it on her computer

In for pics of mom

2nd+ your cuzin

Ha my mom is almost 60 an my cuz is off limits you should have learned since leo was after her

in for pics of cuz.

There ya go boys

awww isn’t he cute…still cant find your cuzins myspace…