computer started smoking... wtf?

was gong to re-install windows fresh when I got home tonight…backed up thunderbird and restarted (going into the setup). Since my dvd drive has been acting up (wont always read cd’s correctly) it was giving me a copy file error. So I shut it down and went to install a spare I have laying around… set it to master (and totally unhooked the dvd drive) and started it up.

as soon as the fan started spinning I saw arcs/sparks coming from inside the case along with a ploom of white smoke and the smell of burning electronics. I quickly shut it back down and thought I fucked it up pretty bad (maybe fried processor/memory/video card?). I went thru and double checked everything and nothing was out of place. I waited a few seconds and tried it again. Works fine and nothing seems to be damaged.

wtf? :wtf:

bad ground somewhere and something cooked, probably a transistor or capacitor. I was gonna say power supply until i read the whole thing.

WTF! wow man thats messed up

its working fine now though?

well I’m installing windows now and everything “seems” normal so far… I’m posting this from the linux box.

I’m just glad the video card wasn’t the thing to go… I would of been pissed

linux FTW lol

yea vid card would have been shitty, could have just taken your 9700 back :stuck_out_tongue:

heh… windows installed ok and everything seems to be working 100% fine… I wonder what the hell it was :wtf:

u dropped a screw behind or on the mobo…or u are t3h suck.

holy shit thats random…

Sure the power supply isn’t on the way out?

They pop and smell when they go bad sometimes.

Or did you have the dvd power cord installed upsidedown? If you force it sometimes i’ve seen ones that can go in either way.

If down the road you end up buying a desktop or laptop, check with me first.

We have been getting in alot of nice stuff, some of it is brand new, boss will let it go cheap.