configuring my router?

Soulseek is telling me that my router needs to be configured correctly. And the port I’m using is closed.

What the heck does this mean, and how do I fix it? I just want to download music. :frowning:

blowjobs for router configs?



are you 2 going to help, or just stare at this thread? (formula, and nikuk) hahaah

dammit people include model numbers or at the very least brand in you posts…

more than likely you need to point your browser to and forward a port.

google port forwarding and soulseek

then google for a good lawyer for when your dumbass gets caught for still using bullshit like soulseek

only use that ip if you have a piece of shit linksys anything.
that address doesn’t work if you have what i have
a firebox soho 6TC which is way better then any router linksys has that I personally have used, but i could be wrong

What type of router?

If its a linksys.
Click on application and gaming
Enter a name for the port forward (Soul, whatever)
–enter a starting port number say 5000 and end 500
–for tcp/udp choose both
–then enter your IP address
(if you dont know it, go to run/cmd/type ipconfig and read the ip address number)
Save settings and then in SoulSeek enter that port number…

Very simple. Of course you could do uPnP also.

Depends on the router type. Though Ryan’s walk through should help with Linksys routers many others are somewhat similar.

What kind of router do you have?

ew firebox soho… I THREW MINE OUT it sucked such big cock.

not that I’d use a linkshits either…

Go into your advanced settings on your router and enable uPnP. Then go into soulseek and find an option to enable uPnP.

Restart the program and your port is opened :slight_smile:

Edit: If that works, can you dress up like taylor rain and walk in public with me?

are you serious? why does it suck? maybe you were using the PPPoE feature or something but isn’t faster then just the ethernet ? the actual broadband?
im lost there what is the difference?

The girls using soulseek and cant even configure a damn router…

and YOU think shes using high-class shit?!

Firebox was terribly buggy/flaky, needed constant rebooting, lost settings a lot (despite being on it’s own UPS) and for what you pay, fuck that.

I’m actually happy with a CONSUMER product, Apple Airport Extreme right now than I ever was with the Firebox - only other thing I’d consider would be a (real, not rebranded linkshits) CISCO product

hehe…everyone is a computer expert…

haha, fancy expensive routers for home use?

that is retarded. Linksys is more then enough for ANY home use. I have ~8 computers on my network using one linksys router.

Was gonna post that up, but forgot too.
Pretty much everything you need Dawn, just find your router.

Or try uPnP too.

Thank you.

And FightinMike, sorry that I don’t know shit about routers and configuring. I must have missed that class, along with the one where you have to be an asshole to people who aren’t computer nerds. MY BAD. Ya jerk.