Consider this a warning shot...

You know what? Fuck you Travis. You got me all psyched for an e-battle and this is all I get. Neg fucking rep.

+rep if I can.

Don’t encourage it.

what the hell is this thread about??

Vaginas. Lots of them.

Nobody knows, and that’s the problem.

I dont think he even knows.

Why didnt you just pm these these people ?

Public Humiliation.

Oh wait, no one knows whats going on :ponder

lock 1

bahhahahhahahaha! PJB!

Think travis needed more attention. Hence the thread then wanted to tell everyone he got a check for 30k. If you want attention take the 30k and buy yourself another birthday party with that band you’re a groupie for.

one day i was saying its the mother fucking catalina wine mixer to my sister over and over again, she has never seen the movie, she was not happy :lol

lol’d hard

Story just got even cooler brah.

Extra cool story, broseph.


I’m banning TurboTravis from real life till it’s revealed who this is about

what the fuck ever happened to real life interactions and discretion?

If person A has a problem with person B, why the fuck wouldn’t you just confront them?

lets just go back to junior high and make a fucking dramatic post about it.

+1… First time I’ve seen Travis take on the Failvis name.