contact local news?

has anyone contacted any of our local news agencies to see if we can get some recogniction?

i’m sure at least one of them would accompany us and make a couple min segment out of the event.

good idea?

…doubt it

^Plus us contacting their local news would be hard to do. But I think it is a safe bet that a large charity event such as this may already have some media coverage.

i ment our local news.

they could spin it a milloin ways. some kids go to great langths to avoid street racing… something i don’t know.


i ment our local news.

they could spin it a milloin ways. some kids go to great langths to avoid street racing… something i don’t know.


It’s not being held in WNY, so the local news won’t care.

Local news doesnt have to be just whats going on in WNY. They broadcast when people from our area do good deeds, and for a cause like this, I think it would be worth it for them to broadcast.