Conversation with stacey sutter...

Id wreck him. Small potatoes.

Shes into it

Yup, I usually let go once every 5years or more :lol. Bad news bears!

I would literally pay him $100 of he could kick my ass.

The thing is, with guys like that (al jigga), you try to be TOTALLY cool with them, and they just don’t know when to stop

But 50cent said he was a gangster-tough guy!!

that is the most orange girl i have seen in a long time holy shit

i have love standards, like really low, and i wouldnt do her, reminds me of the movie “Teeth”

Classic thread… not alot of class, but Classic. Glued


Damn, I knew I left too early. Where’d you guys go after Union?

Thats it im posting the drunken text messages that the fat coke whore sent the other night

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl verge of golden epic award statis…or in this case daBomB pLaTiNUM epic statizzle!!

BTW has anyone seen Ricardo lately, he stoped at my house last summer on his way back from work

She’s got moxy

:lol You guys all know him? I think this is the same guy I went to HS with.

Come on now, Ricardo was working…he was piloting an ice cream truck, but he WAS working, and it was on a Saturday too! I was just backing my boat into my driveway from going out to the lake and he pulled in to say hi.

Hey Stacey I have coke and puppies in my van, wanna go for a ride?

Little Stacy came home from school with a smile on her face and told her mother, “Al Hasheed Mumbai showed me his weenie today at the playground!”

Before the mother could raise a concern, Stacey went on to say, “It reminded me of a peanut.”

Relaxing with a hidden smile, Stacey’s Mom asked, “Really small, was it?”

Stacy replied, “No… salty.”

Mom Fainted.

I LOL’d.

lots of funny ITT

WTF is the point of wearing a hat with a blowout? His hair looks like its trying to run the fuck away…

Kid is a tool for sure, and the gf is a cock gobbling coke whore