Conversation with stacey sutter...

i LOL’d as well for many reasons

Homeboy has a blowout. I think the only person that could possibly be jealous is Pauly from Jersey Shore.

Im LOLing hard here at work…

Wow, I totally missed this thread.

What I have learned so far, is dat if i shout like im fly as shit n get da mad tight blowout i can get beat coke bitchez 4 lyfe?!

Seriously, I hope you guys are both reading this. THE reason you are both getting shit, is well, because of your sheer stupidity. It has NOTHING to do with jealousy. We are laughing our asses off at the fact Habib boy here still has a 1st grade reading and writing skill level, the fact that he trys to be “Guido” when he is clearly Habib, and then the fact that your ass is dating someone of this nature. He is a tool EVERYWHERE he goes. Not just on shift.


Keep up the entertainment. This chick is fuckin hilarious… The “jealous because of his nice hair” shit had me falling out of my chair.

AAAA+++ thread

And to think my tax dollars are going to pay for these two and their offspring. Fucking unreal. Somebody should have pulled out 20 some odd years ago.

just got done reading this… i dont think ive laughed so hard reading posts in a long time! best entertainment on the forum in a while!

the crackhead barbie term got dropped on her at the hospital the night sean got shanked. she decided to show up all wasted. trying to talk to mike, she didnt believe sean got stabbed… was hammered in some short nasty dress. hair all fryed from the bleach. looking legit. then adam threw 4 pennies at her when she was walking down the street… quite epic.

LOL @ her making fun of someone still living at home when her boyfrinds daddy pays for his life

I’m 19 and own MY OWN HOUSE (as of June 1st). I’m Roman Catholic. Win. :lol

Oh, and I don’t have rich parents who pay for it. Figured that was an important edit.

I see Ricardo almost every day, hes gettin pretty big!

Wait did I miss some thing Saturday night? Was there more crack head epicness?

Yeaaa buddy, Ricardo definatly put on some muscle

Were you out gettin yo shank on somewhere else?!

Can I get an update on who this Recaro dude is and his relevance to this story?

How did I miss this shit? Suscribed!

I say we start inviting all the members from the other forums for an update of the new drama in the Shift518 land.

Travis, EGhatchsistertoucher and now this?


omfg how did i miss this thread. that bitch is just as busted in real life and just reaks of tanning oil. everytime she walks through the door its hard to keep my composure. but if this is all going back to alswaghardbro then he should know when she goes out without him she’s all over anything that walks. filthy ass bitch. and thats not hearsay or starting shit thats because i watch it happen. dumb fuckin cunt!!

I hadn’t checked back on this thread since page 1. ohman, I’m laughing SO hard right now

Any girl willing to date Al Habibmynewfuckinhaircut needs more than one dick in her life. Possibly all at the same time.

yes she does… oo and since she’s reading this now stacey tell your boy he’s the laughing stock of downtown. i’ve passed his videos around more than your torn ass pussy. i promise you the second he turns around people are laughing and pointing. he’s a tool… you’re a dumb bitch. and no one is jealous of either of you… I PROMISE you that…