conversing while peeing in urnal

ok so im washing my hands and i notice 2 dudes i work with are peeing next to each other in urnals with no dividers. ok so whats really awkward is they are making eye contact while having a full fledge convo on how they are and what they did over the long weekend.

i dont know about the rest of u but i personally cant even pee next to someone without a divider wall let alone stare into some other dudes eyes while holding my cock knowing he is doing the same. what the shit!


Emanuel is penis shy

must be itty bitty…

im hella penis shy. i have stage 3 stage fright. use to be stage 5, which is as bad as it gets.

man law states you are not to speak to the person at the urinal next to you.

I would not be involved in a bathroom conversation. Get to business and GTFO!


this is making me lol.


srs though, i don’t give a shit if people are looking at my dick while i’m pissing, but i don’t want to watch them do it, or talk to them about how cool it looks. people at the urinal need to STFU.

They’re all like, “Oh shit your fingernails are getting pretty long over there.”

Perfect video


thats gay.

pink wheels have been justified.

LOL. Shots Bakerian?!?!?!

u crazy


wait, what?

OH i remeber now, that was just my nuts, and they were in my pants at the time. I did not post that.

I use the shitters to pee in order to avoid the screwballs of our society.

i prefer pulling my pants and underwear all the way down at urnials

gives you the full expirence