Conversion Crazy

I found this picture on the internet about a week ago, and I can’t remember where I got it from.

Does anyone know what site this picture is from if you’ve seen it before?

And more important… Does anyone know what company (if its not a one-off) made this front bumper? What site I can find it on… Its beautiful, but I can’t find it anywhere.

that is Richard Tang’s JDM RICE v.2 S13.5… saw it at the JGTC a couple years back.

thats a kazama kit
… n if u didnt know… there were stickers all over the car stating that

I can’t remember which mag, but I could swear I’ve seen it on a cover as a feature car too…

They made that car as the replica of the Kazama s15 after they tore apart Richard Tang’s PJ Bonafacio Pink 240sx… Also featured in ImportTuner Magazine ( and i believe was also featured on JTuned (Does anybody here go on there, they have some very nice cars alot of the time –

hows it a “replica” s15 when its clearly a s13 w/ a strawberry face?

They made the car to look LIKE THE Kazama s15, since no s15’s were available, or VERY hard to get, they used an s13 that already had the strawberry face s15 conversion done, Tang’s Pink s13.5.

wouldnt be hard for kazama to find a s15…

Cool you jets guys… thanks to all of you though. It was killing me…

And about the stickers being all over the car, yeah, sure… But its really difficult to read them…

Its not Kazama who built it, he already has the Kazama s15 lol!
Richard Tang built it, like bing said… JDM RICE is his project s13, this is version 2.
Im cool, i dont know why this guy is getting so defensive lol.

im wasnt getting defensive… it was all for convo since im fawkin bored. but if u insist im down for whatever…

Lol nah man, ive been talking to your bro a bit, he’s a cool guy. Why are you both selling your cars?

no insurance = taking space which parents arnt happy about n waste of cars that can go to someone who will actually drive it.

Too bad, i like your s13… not what im looking for unfortunately, but good luck anyways!

that car was on the cover of import tuner last year…

if you guys really care which month i can go look through my collection of import tuners and find out exactly which month it was.

I already included the link to the IT article :slight_smile:

I cant believe you actually think that car is supposed to look like the one you posted. the only thing the same is the headlights and the front bumper.

they both have spiderwebs and huge mofo spoilers too

I dont think they look exactly alike, but the general theme is similar, i couldnt find a pic of the updates Kazama S15 which looks ALOT like this s13.5, ill try and find it.

Quote from the article:

“There was one daunting task: Tang was asked to create an exact replica of the Kazama S15 that Manabu Orido drove to set a record lap time of 59.45 seconds at Tsukuba Circuit in 2003.”

While that is a VERY good time for Tsukuba, I don’t see how it’s record setting. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen better than a 59.