


chicken salad salamanders?

I want my post count up too.
Werd <–my contribution to this discussion


o lack of in someones case


I like to waste space with innane comments about junk and things, and all but right now if I don’t get off my butt I’m going to be late for english class. not that it really matteres or something I mean I’m just handing in a an assignment… I don’t know why I need to take college english I mean I’ve got a HBA in communications. And thusly have corrected my professor a few time because she’s only got a BA in english… I WIN lol my degree is better ! and just to let you know how usefull a communications degree is… I’m in my first year of mechanical engineering design… which will get me a REAL job.

so I guess I’d better get off my duff and get going eh ?

I’ll take anal bum cover for 500 Trebeck ! (things Trebeck Sucks)