cooking and being on the computer

this is like the 5th time iv set a pot of ramen noodels and forgot it while sittin on the computer. but this time i came back to find a pot full of black noodel hell. does anybody else do that or just me

you fix that car yet

lol we used to get that al the time at ubpd…people setting off the alarms for some stupid burnt noddles


thats why laptop by the stove FTW

Im just gonna rewire my USB coffee cup warmer so I can boil water…

pics or ban

Well, I only cook with the microwave, so that kind of scenario is impossible. I have however, had to reeat the same mug of water multiple times because I forgot about it.

I’ve also left my kitchen sink running for up to an hour before (mostly because it takes about 10 minutes before I get hot water out of it, no joke)


meh, I do it all the time.