Cool miata's run redlights.

EMO SUCKS Listen to…

Pewter blow me :smiley:

I wouldn’t mess with a person, That operates a salvage yard near the fayette county border. xxxxxxx can easily disappear or worse fed to pig farmers :rofl:

Fico you going south of pittsburgh anytime soon? :x:

blow u off the site,sure thing:ban:

lol haha that was great

faliure, and why b/c the video doesnt work…

and i wanted to see a johnny cash video too :frowning:

Really? It works for me…


Try this one…

:jerkit: been there done that :bigok:

i got a drive shaft n some lube…when we gonna settle this?


:rofl: at this thread. I started reading it a few days ago, but there was too much shitty reading in the first post, so I didn’t get thru the first sentence. Today, I just happened to read thru & catch a few laughs.

fico…you sir are a douche bag.

In the words of one of the greatest bands ever…

i get knocked down but i get up again your never going to keep me down

u think

Not if Pewter panda pounces your ass like he did the 240…ain’t a man on this earth gettin back up after that!!!

Fico- did you used to work at Staples? if so I think I saw you driving down 60 today. I was oposing traffic, black EK, red wheels. I like your car

Replace greatest with worst. Then you have a point.

Off topic

yup,this is the off-topic forum!:tool:

x2 And this thread is already a fucking trainwreck.