Cool miata's run redlights.

SUICIDE is so fuckin selfish. that person is better off being dead because it saves someone from commiting homiside on that jokes life. i encourage suiside… it would really make life easier for alot of people.

:zzz: This isn’t, If the thread bothers you, don’t read it anymore.

Ya its selfish but for some its the easiest way to tell everyone who knows them “fuck you”. I’ve lost family & friends to that shit…all over too much stress, leaves you saying “i wish i would have known…i could have said something”. And encouraging suicide? thats stupid…now when suicide hits home(i pray that it doesn’t) you’ll be eating your own words

Sorry that i’m still attached to my humanity.

um i dont hang out with emo fags… so noone that im associated with will off themselves. and if they do then tough shit. thats what they get. hell the kid that picked my date up for the prom (cause i wasnt allowed too) OD’d on pills. not my problem. he is better off because he did it to himself. now i stay away from that shit.

It’s obvious your blind from not having it happen to you. I like how just about everyone on pittspeed whines about emo this and emo that…bet if your wife walks out on you today(if your married and happy) you’ll cry like a little bitch…you just won’t post a thread about it on pittspeed

can we get back to bashing fico

didn’t brian say he looked like a condom?..USED condom

hey B-O-B said in another thread… threads evolve… we have evolved into EMO bitches suck and deserve to die right???

thats not evolving…thats progressing

-verb–to develop gradually

-verb—1. to grow or develop

Anyways…just whoring through this ridiculous thread post(er)

ain’t shit gradual about pittspeed

come on guys we’re getting off the topic at hand here. While idiacy runs rampant on pittspeed…retarded episodes this epic only occur one a month…so let us abuse it and shit the fuck up.

BTW: (it was due in this thread)

xlogic STFU

stop light cameras FTL…i got hit bye one in Ben Salem…i didn’t even trey to run the light…it just some damn long to get up to speed at 80k in the city

so did he cut himself yet?

I wish they had those here. The light turns red and still about 5 cars go through the red light…especially in a left turning lane. The lights seem to only let a few cars go through cause by time the dumbasses are done running the red lights, the other green light is about halfway done. Charlotte has them so hopefully someone will wise up and bring them to Charleston.

wtf? people that just sit around and feel sorry for themselves need to grow the fuck up and get a life

We can only hope that when fico cuts himself, he accidently slips and saws off xlogics fingers, so i dont have to read anymore stupid ass posts.


In order to counter act the inherent pussiness of this thread, here’s a link to a Johnny Cash video which references fighting, beer, and guns: