Cool pics I found at work today...

Test rig for Bell Aircraft in the 60s

By far the coolest guy ever. Those shades are rad

very cool, im assuming it was LOUD


Bad ass where can I buy one… :rofl:


(and those look like classic raybans? ballin)

my Grampa worked for Bell Aircraft for most of his life. Those pictures are really neat :slight_smile:

awesome pics!

cool looks like fun

The one show him over the Falls Rapids :tup:

Had to be loud, the people in the first pic have their ears covered.

The original Rocketman :slight_smile:


My grandpa worked at bell all his life as well.

My father would tell me a story about this exact scene. It was at the bell-aerospace days, basically their summer party.

My dad was very young, he would tell me that they would do demonstrations like this at all the summer parties, and he told me about this one in detail.

Its freaky to see photos of it. Thanks for them, i’ll pass them along to my dad.



Fuck I want a plaid shirt and shades now

Not a very package friendly design.

Damn engineering used to be fucking cool.

"Back in my day I designed and built a jet pack to make a man fly. What do you do?

“I write software that controls oxygen plants.”
