Thunder of Niagara (tons of pics)

I don’t have Photoshop, so I couldnt edit, so they are still raw, but here are a few decent ones…

Towards the end of the show, then the thunderbirds flew, I actually had heat stroke from being outside for like 7hrs without drinking anything, so I kinda lost interest in picture taking…

edit: I uploaded using the 1mb option on photobucket, so the sizes are different :tdown:

moar in a sec

nice. i miss flying in the air shows.

I wish I would have gotten a chance to go to this. Oh well.

i was there today good show… i left right before the downpour

were they giving rides in any of the fighters

I like the picture of the afterburners and the tip vortices


were they giving rides in any of the fighters


No, they would never just give rides. I would pay thousands to get a ride in an f16 though

:tmotherfuckinup: :tup:

Those are some great pictures.

Awesome pictures, I was planning on being there but plans didn’t work out

nice work with the camera, got some nice shots :tup:

hope this becomes a regular thing again. i went once when i was a kid and had a hell of a good time, but i missed it this time around :frowning:

Great pictures. I wish I could have made it, but at least I got to see a lot of planes fly by on their way home.


i was there today good show… i left right before the downpour



bad ass pics!!

very nice pictures mang.

Nice pics!!! What camera do you have again?


nice work with the camera, got some nice shots :tup:



awesome pics, for anyone who likes military airpower I suggest visiting the US Airforce museum in dayton, ohio, its so awesome, they have like a million planes.
PS: any f-22 raptors there?


Great pictures. I wish I could have made it, but at least I got to see a lot of planes fly by on their way home.


psssssshhhh like u had something more important to attend too…