Thunder of Niagara (tons of pics)


PS: any f-22 raptors there?


ROTFLMAO… the show’s WAY to small for those bad boys to show up; gotta go to a large show like Edwards, or Oceania to see them guys. Best we could’ve hoped for would be a fly-by and they didn’t do that either.

I tried to get to the show, but gave up after circling the airport for an hour and not finding any place to park where I didn’t have to walk 2-3 miles to get in.

very nice! what kind of camera do you have… i need a new one bad :frowning:

Here’s my take on the airshow today… It made me realize how much I want a new camera haha

Let me know whatcha thinks

It was fun today… I hadn’t been to an airshow since I was probably 12 with my cousin and my uncle, so this brought me back ten years. I’m so beat from the sun, but it was definitely a cool thing to go out and see.

fucking awesome

Great pics…

We were watching it from the Summit Mall Mustang show yesterday. Looked like a great show.

I thought they might have done a flyby. I went to a smaller airshow like 4 years ago in niagara falls and they had a b-2 stealth bomber flyby.


ROTFLMAO… the show’s WAY to small for those bad boys to show up; gotta go to a large show like Edwards, or Oceania to see them guys. Best we could’ve hoped for would be a fly-by and they didn’t do that either.

I tried to get to the show, but gave up after circling the airport for an hour and not finding any place to park where I didn’t have to walk 2-3 miles to get in.


same airshow… last time they had it here they had the flyby


thanks for the comments.

The airshow was a great time, minus the death march back to the car. I got dizzy and my vision blured, it was kinda cool…

Marcus: Nikon D50, 300mm lens

Nice pics, I think Lafengas paid a bunch o cash to go for a ride in an f16, or so i hear :gotme: that would be wicked



thanks for the comments.

The airshow was a great time, minus the death march back to the car. I got dizzy and my vision blured, it was kinda cool…

Marcus: Nikon D50, 300mm lens


Nice…yeah I figured the lens was a powerful telefoto…VR assisted probably…Wicked pics…:tup:


I think the lens is about 10-12yrs old, so no VR

AWESOME pics, guys thanks! :gracias:

Didn’t get a chance to go this year (I’m an airshow junkie) but I AM doing the Wright Patterson AFB jobber this year.

That F-18 rolled HARD off the deck in that one shot, shit…

i realized going to this that i really picked the wrong career to get into.

i wanted so bad to be a pilot when i was a kid. also, you dont realize when you are a kid the physics involved in what they get these planes to do. last time i went to this show was when i was a kid, and i can say i appreciate it 100x more. watching the f-16’s resulted in me having 20 solid minutes of goosebumps. nothing but goosebumps.


I thought they might have done a flyby. I went to a smaller airshow like 4 years ago in niagara falls and they had a b-2 stealth bomber flyby.


Yea I remember that. I live 2 seconds from the airshow. I saw everything fly by over my house, very exciting and loud. I was using binoculars and also found my neighbor 2 houses down smoking a bong by accident while looking at the B-17 through them… haha

The F-15 in that pic is from my duty station when I was in the AF. Great show! Awesome pics! :clap:


i wanted so bad to be a pilot when i was a kid. also, you dont realize when you are a kid the physics involved in what they get these planes to do. last time i went to this show was when i was a kid, and i can say i appreciate it 100x more. watching the f-16’s resulted in me having 20 solid minutes of goosebumps. nothing but goosebumps.


I have thought about this too. While it would be glorious to be a fighter pilot, it truly is your life. It seems that in order to do this, you would have to sacrifice a normal life…

Maybe its worth it to some…

metro and penguin? wtf happened to the cool call signs. iceman? mavrick? goose? viper? jester?

How is “Goose” any cooler than “Penguin” ? :gotme:

> penguin

I had to work both 12 hour shifts saturday and sunday at that show at the gate. I stood in that blazing heat with my M-4 and full tact vest directing people on to the base. Only to have assholes bitch at me about how bad traffic is and how ridicules the walk is. I can’t believe how rude a disrespectful people where to us. I really want to but stroke the lady in the head who told me to screw off when she bitched at me about the walk only because I said how can you complain when it’s free?

But there was a good bunch of people who had nothing but nice things to say to us. I’m just still irked at how many asshole where there.

End of my rant.:violin:




That was exactly my logic. The walk fucking blew, but for free, I really cant complain.

I felt so bad for you guys…