Flew on Memphis Belle today. B-17 Flying Fortress PICS

So…my father and I drove to Canton Ohio for a flight on a WWII bomber. It wasn’t Memphis Belle but a B-17 that is totally restored and an awesome ride. It was $900 for both of us for a 45 minute flight. The plane cruised at around 150mph and had the top turret removed and you could actually stick your head out the top while in flight!

The nose of the plane was polycarbonate with 3 .50cal machine guns.

Here are a few pics…

top turret
Ball Turret (bottom) from inside the plane.
Me and pops

It was a good time and something that may not be around 20 years from now.

oh yea 4000+hp


Awesome! Thats great there is a group of people out there taking care of one.

cool, i would have done it if it wasn’t so expensive

that is awesome

those pilots were real bad ass’s…

so you were at wright Patterson AFB

here is a little vid of how bad these planes and crew are

So did anyone get in the machine gunners seat and make gun noises like when you were a kid?

that is awesome

Wow! that is definitly something I need to do before I die!

Ive been to the AFB probably atleast 12 times my next time I plan to go with my father on a restoration day so you can see a plane they are restoring as its happening

There were a few planes being restored. The museum was awesome. They had a F-14, a few choppers, and some other WWII fighters.

I didn’t make any machine gun noises but I did think how awesome it would have been to go up in a machine like that and kick some ass - especially a whole fleet of them.

The flight only had 10 of us on board so we were aloud to roam around the aircraft. They said it cost around $1500 an hour to keep up. With 10 people though 4500 should produce a bit of profit. The pilots were awesome…they flew in shorts and tennis shoes.

It was loud inside during the flight but a very “well tuned” loud. Nothing obnoxious. You could actually talk to each other if you turned the volume up a bit.

I got a few vids I’m going to post later.

LSx swap ???

Badass pics :beer:

Thanks…Motorola Q FTW :slight_smile: Forgot the digitial camera

You mean the radio operator’s window/gun? The top turret looks like it’s there. :wink:


Very cool.