Cool, the first post :)

Nice layout Vlad!!!. This web might even take off especially if you make a Classifieds that are free. Um, how about making me a moderator or something :slight_smile:
PS: I wont be power crazy :slight_smile: hehe

Where’s Cossey we need a post whore on this forum :slight_smile:

cossey is here…he’s already blowing up the rest of the board!!! lol

I think we can mark day one as a success… or should i say… a Great success!

We need more people, I want the damn Classifieds section so I can start buying stuff. This r-speed thing stopped all the small sell/buy stuff in the region which really sux. + Swatautomotive is down so the only place to trade stuff is craigslist.

Im debating weither or not to enable the classifieds on the forum.

These classifieds would compete with classifieds in the paper, which I was thinking I would charge a small fee for to hope to break even.

See the dillema?

Just make it like this.
(Paid) Posted in the newspaper and online (w/pics)
(Free) Posted only online and no pics

that will cause a flood online and a lack of posted in the paper

Just thought I would dig up an old thread, or first post whatever. any news on how the classifieds will be handled?

i dunno…