Cool Vendors

Hey post up vendors that you think are really good, and make a good quality product that you think people need to know about or could use for their bikes.

awesome led products, function, form, visibility, and a very very well built product for all makes and models. Make sure to mention you heard it from shift518

For you chopper/bobber/Harley guys is where I get ALL my gear, and many of my parts from.

If you contact them directly, they give you the craziest deals. I picked up my Cortech Adrenaline 1 piece for CHEAP while everywhere else is $830+.

Tristan Page Is the owners name I believe dealt with him a few times.

Exnay on posting pricebay that’s why they give you prices in PM’s.

Ridersdiscount - 90% of the time since 2010
Bauce Racing
Agg Racing
passion motor sports
Sports bike track gear - once in a while
Motomummy - if they have a sale

tripage led is def FTW

I believe they can’t publicly display price, but others can.

It’s an agreement between them and the manufacturers to not publicly post sale prices.

If the manufacturer didn’t want them selling it for less than the original price everywhere, they would easily figure out to PM them for the discount price, and then stop selling to them.

Manufacturers don’t care, because they’re still making their money. They just want every business to have a fair chance at sales.

Businesses like SportbikeTrackGear, Riders Discount, Biohazard Cycles…etc all do it.

a lot of companies now a days actually protect their dealers and dont allow people to post sale prices on the internet unless its discontinued out over a year old.


there was a shit storm on the R6 forum before your time Gen, it involved a vender everyone loved and Motomummy ratting them out.

Also I have connections to armor bodies at prices I can not say or else people lose their dealer status.

I still find that impossible to believe.

A companies going to close up shop, destroy their sales because they’re concerned what businesses do behind the scenes?

Companies would want their dealers to sell. Their wholesale price remains the same, the profit the dealer makes is on the dealer.

Kinda like the Leo Vince I have on my 300. It is advertised everywhere for $220, but BC will advertise, “Forum Special! Add to your cart and use coupon code 175sale” to get discounted price.

I wonder how much money it had cost? :ponder … :lol

I do know companies force an “Advertised” price to help promote competition, and I can see where therefore people shouldn’t post sale prices (I mean, if I went around advertising Riders Discount prices, nobody would shop anywhere else … so that’s understandable), but even companies like Biohazard Cycles hints at the deal price in their coupons. A company can’t take it out on the dealer if a customer goes around telling their prices. Customers aren’t “manageable” lol I think at that point, if that really became an issue, said company would refuse business to that individual if they blatantly kept publicly stating sale prices when asked not to.

I’m not here arguing, I’m just confused how with thousands upon thousands of potential customers on forums, manufacturers really think dealers can make sales at discounted rates without it getting out.

Like on the Kawi300 forums, there is a thread in regards to “How much did you spend on gear” which people post their gear, and the respective prices.

So one guy has GP Pro Gloves for $229.00. Then I posted stating my GP Pro Gloves I got for $xxx.xx (Significantly cheaper). Then people ask, “HEY! Where’d you get those for that price?” … Well, since I’m not a company and don’t make money off of a sale of a business, I’m just going to come out and say “I went through THIS GUY at THIS COMPANY. Contact him!” :tongue

Well it’s true. There is a Dealer price for items from what I understand and companies do not wan the public getting stuff at that price. I don’t write the rules, but I have tried to price match items with people or stores. And most of the time you will no one will touch the prices RD does.

Like the price of GP pro gloves, now that they are on close out every where they go for the price RD gave them away for back in 2010/11.

The price I got on armor bodies form one vender, was an unheard of thing. So when I price matched no one could beat it and wanted to know who would sell at that price. Of course I didn’t name names. Because all it takes is one tip from a pissed of vender about another and shit hits the fan believe it or not.

IF someone is looking for something at a sweet price all I say is "check out riders discount or so and so call or email first.’ That’s it no numbers given how do I know the price isn’t a limited time or they were cutting me extra slack by sweating the deal?

It’s a hookup really, it’s the motorcycle Mafia.:rofl

I like revzilla for gear. They have amazing review videos of most products, decent prices, and “zillacash” with every purchase you can use towards your next purchase.

Ive found most sites or businesses won’t price match. I remember before I found RD, I went through RevZilla and tried to get to beat their price by $10 because I didn’t want the zilla cash, and they said Nope… so I went with RevZilla. Kind of dumb to lose a customer over $10 but oh well. Lol

I know with STGs crazy sale on the Bell Stars, not even my favorite business could match their price so I of course went with STG.

Word of mouth for awesome customer care can make a good business great. Just look at RD and Bauce for example

I don’t know about you guys, but I always bring my bike to for any and all electrical needs :beer:tbu



Kenny, ill drop off my Maxim to be re-wired

So Chazz,
I asked Brad what their take was on it, and you were right - I guess other douchebag vendors get offended by low prices some offer and cry to the manufacturer about it being not fair. :crackup lol

I second Rob. Even they don’t always have the lowest price, lower shipping and easy exchange most often seals the deal. Besides Revzilla, compcc also have a “buck” back system. Having said that, I bought my last lid at STG for almost half price.

I guess my point is, shop around. If you are thinking of getting something keep and eye out on all site early on and so you know when to pull the trigger when to see a great deal.

Also Street & Comp usually get my business during the race season, nothing beats a shop in the 518 area that sells all the racing supplies when you need them now.

It’s really cut throat man. There is a LOT of drama between vendors.