coolant leak/consumption...

I got my new car finally, it is a 1993 240SX SE, it has 188,xxx kms on it.
real nice car.

anyways, the previous owner had the water pump replaced during certification (not required, but it was leaking, so he did it anyways)

he SAID that the car never over heated, and did not consume coolant… i had a problem with my previous car that it consumed oil & anti freeze, so i was very cautious… I checked the coolant levels previous to purchasing the car and they were fine.

today, I was idling at my friends house, with the heater on setting one for about 3 mins, and when I got back in the car I noticed the temp gauge up to H. I got home, shut the car off, and poped the hood.

the coolant resivoir was over MAX and when I opened the radiator cap, it was bare inside. now im thinking shit, ive just got a car that has the exact same problem as my last car…

I put some water & antifreeze in the system, ran the car, and it was bubling over, it bubled more when the heater was on max (???).

im stuck now…
ive had the car since last thursday. what should I do?
hopefully it is the water pump. this is not cool at all. im gonna go back to the owner tomorrow and question him about it. also gonna find out the place where he got the water pump done and (if that is the problem) get them to fix it…

another thing… the oil was slightly low. i checked it after he got the oil changed and it was sitting at a good level. when i checked it when the car was running hot, it was half way between low and max. ill check it when the car is cold and see if it goes up any more…

any help is good…

also, this is the first time ive had the car heat up that high. on the highway it runs at just below middle, and normal driving it sits at middle.

Usually turning on the heater blower will help cool down the engine… strange.
Perhaps whoever did the water pump didn’t properly bleed the system of air?

yea, i dunno why this happened

anyways, by the looks of it, the headgasket might be messed

oh, and to add to my awesome luck, my master cluth cylinder failed today! :frowning:

before anything drastic, change your thermostat!

and check your oil for any opaqueness, and waterspots.

will look like chocolate milk.