Cooter says "its a sleazy insult"

I was gonna go see it but now i don’t know. I still got a free ticket.

yea, i just read that.
It looks true, have you seen jessica simpson’s new video?

sleezy or not… it looks like a terrible remake of what was a great tv show. its good to see this guy calling them no it.

just cause you got a nice body, country accent and put on some short shorts that don’t amke you daisy duke. People liked daisy character because she wasn’t a ho bag.

yea, but the only reason to go see the movie is to see her parade around in short shorts. The rest of the movie will fucking blow.

she’s overatted with those bugs bunny teeth.

then what does ?? :mullet:

they way the original character was. A cute down home country girl than can kick a lil ass if she needs to.

:jerkit: rather see jessica

yea if you really want that, save youself the 8 bux and put on mtv

:jerkit: and this is what you’ll be doing. watch yourself noob.

please refer to post by smort38…

I’m pretty content with the music video, specifically the ending.

Ur point, because i could really give to fucks who you know on here.

just my opinion no need to get hasty…i dont care who i know either on here…im not saying im the shit cause of who i know…theres no need to get your panties in a twist

well then what was the point of that thread :confused:

i dunno why dont you ask the person who started it instead of me who only made his first post on page 2… i really don’t know why your tryin to be a tough guy…

how about you both suck

whoa son, i was just askin a question, there was no getting tough.

Roid Rage!