Cop searches my friend's car: What Rights?

It was a legal argument I read once, that was stated through cases. I will see if I can find it. If you think about it, it makes sense. It makes it easier to restrict and take away civil liberties with then are not really legally binding to begin with. Food for thought.

If they ever do take away our rights it’s our duty as United States citizens to fight to get them back. Even overthrow the government.

there is a lot of information out there and a lot of videos regarding the things i said. i’m not calling you stupid, but you have to think a little more “outside the box.” i’m also not trying to preach conspiracy theories or anything either, just don’t be so naive to think that the reason why we have “laws” in this world is just to protect those who fall behind it. sure, it’s been working for hundreds of years and can protect your everyday person from legal issues, this is why its been so successful. but again, that not the point of what im trying to say.

watch “kymatica” for a start, they have it on youtube. i believe there’s a section of the movie called “LAW” which explains some of this.

I’m thinking that we’re missing an important part of the story. Maybe some guys in a white car robbed a bank or something.

lol fucking hell Jay this one’s yours.


lame. what recourse do they have? file a complaint?

They were in New Mexico, and it was a FBI/local cop check point that was set up on the road they were traveling on. They were taking a more “back road” route to enjoy the scenery more.

I’m pretty sure there wasn’t any more back story, they said they were searching all the cars going through the check point. Three or four other cars were stopped at the same time being searched.

It really upset me though that things of this nature can happen, I mean a two hour stop is HUGE. That is two hours of my life I’ll never have again. Plus just the feeling of being helpless and violated. I do not know why the cop in the car waited to tell them he was a cop, maybe he wanted to see what would happen? IDK

The cop that was in the car filed a complaint in his branch, so I’ll see if anything ends up happening.

homeland security plays by different rules.

HLS may have received some tip or something- there are forces at play that are unknown. I’m not sure why you feel violated- people are doing a job to ensure american safety. Its not like they carved up your friend’s seats looking for contraband and left them with the damages…

As a fellow American, I feel they (FBI/Police?HLS) had every right to search that car to protect my safety.

Those with nothing to hide…hide nothing. But I don’t believe they should be able to pull random cars over. If there’s legit suspicion or a visible infraction by all means. Tinted windows, racial profiling, tattoos or what not does not = legit suspicion.

I’m gonna have to disagree with the racial profiling thing. Illegal immigration is a serious problem, so if youre looking for illegal mexicans, youre not gonna be looking for a white guy.

inb4putyourselfintheshoesofamexican - I dont really care.

What state was this in Cali, Texas? When you register your car, get your license, etc you surrender certain rights. Maybe in Texas/Cali you give them the right to search when you sign the DMV form. Just sayin…

If you feel good giving up your rights and freedoms for the sake of security that’s ok. I ask you though. When does it stop? When is enough, enough? It’s a slippery slope and a very subjective subject. This is why the founders of this country, in good intention, set up a frame work to prevent such incursions on your person and property.

They were tired of it then and didn’t want to see it continue. We are taking steps backwards in the development of our country and the strengthening of our liberties.

I just meant leave us honkeys alone. Racially profile everyone else…fair game. LOL WUT
Kidding…you go after the employers, not the illegals. If you cut off their supply of jobs and money will they want to be here any more???
America looks at symptoms with far greater effort than the bigger picture. Find and kill the root cause…then you stop the current problem AND reduce or eliminate future efforts required to maintain.

So if a cop comes by and thinks you’re a terrorist…it’s ok to throw you in jail? If you’re in a hurry to drive to a destination and they stop you, they have a right to tear apart your car (literally) hold you up and search your things, just cause they think you might be dangerous?

I’ve been searched multiple times in amherst without probable cause. I hated living there. if i was out past 10 in amherst and under 30 I was going to get pulled over I’d say 60% of the time

(at the time I owned a 3 series with no visual mods really. only thing you could see from the outside was a bit of a drop. no tint even).

Don’t do anything illegal, and there’s nothing to worry about? No?

I mean you have to let these people do their fucking job. Sometimes you may not agree with their methods, but if they aren’t truly harassing you then what can you really complain about? This most certainly isn’t to say that unreasonable shit doesn’t happen all the time. And yes, a 2 hour search seems a little unnecessary, but perhaps their attitude caused some of this?

I don’t know. I’m really just playing devil’s advocate here. I’m on the fence with this one.

as far as i know for these “boarder check points” that are in the US unless they have probable cause you can deny their request to search. im just not sure weather or not the you driving someone else’s car is probable cause…

there is a video on youtube of some guy at one of these check point and he is sitting there for like almost 30mins and they will not let him through because he wont let them search his car, they have no probable cause and he is a us citizen so they can not detain him. they eventually let him go…


I don’t want my time wasted, I’m not doing anything wrong don’t search me. I know cops have a job to do which is a double edge sword. I’m all for cops and what they do, but I’m all for people’s rights as well.

My question is, even if there was some attitude getting thrown around, should the police have the right to punish you by pretty much detaining you for two hours?

There is shit I have to deal with at my job, but I can’t punish people for it.