Don't consent to a search you shouldn't consent to

found this on another site , dunno if it applies in canada , worth a watch though

not bad stuff, any links to rights in canada ?

cop tried to pull that on me,

pulled me over for 125/80 asked me if i was on drugs or intoxicated and asked to search my car for illegal substances and weapons but i said no.

of course i had nothing, but the cop was an asshole and had no reason to ask that other than i have a import and tinted windows,

this was just outside of guelph

:picard: :worf:

there not allowed to search you unless you connect or there is reasonable cause ie: they see something, u smell like drugs or alcohol… ect… if they say something like get out of the car, or empty your pockets and you do it that’s you consenting to a search. if they ask you to open the trunk or empty your glove box politely tell them am i under arrest or being detained? i do not consent to this search and if i am under arrest or being detained i would like to utilize my right to silence and to an eternity, now if this happens shut ur mouth! don’t say a word till u speak with a hired lawyer, duty council sucks balls. but if u say this to them most times they’ll look at u wired then say go away. So if this happens say what I wrought above and after that don’t say anything else till they let u leave.

^ lol you are teh suck at spelling.

asking for an eternity will just result in the two of you standing there for an infinite period of time with nothing to do.

i crack my self up


HAHAHA, at first I’m like… wtf is Greg saying? Then I noticed that fb240 was the first to write eternity.

or you can just find nice hiding spots in your car that will most likely not be found in a search…

I have a couple spots that have been overlooked in at least 4 searches…

sorry i made that reply with dragon naturally speaking, im just setting it up so i had to try it. its cool. i must have over looked that one

i wouldnt check your bum either

i wouldnt check your bum either[/quote]

shhhh!!! thats my best hidding spot, don’t tell everyone…

like the 2’ square hole behind my talon’s radio ?
I mean really you could hide a small child back there.